Global Warming Improving Surfing Conditions

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Global Warming Improving Surfing Conditions

  1. Mike Davis says:

    One day in the future they will realize that short term observations show a completely different result from long term observations. Just this morning I was contemplating the lengthening day and tonight I am seeing only dark. Weekly observations give a different perspective and yearly observations even more information about daylight occurrence.
    A 28.5 day Moon cycle gives one impression but a multi decade observation gives a entire different understanding of the Moon’s activities. Watching Saturn for 20 years shows only part of its orbit around the sun.
    This study only shows that wind speeds and wave heights are related and they vary over long periods of time in conjunction with long term ocean atmosphere weather patterns. We are wasting money for people to report what should be obvious and making some stupid claim it is caused by or related to human induced climate change!

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