Global Warming Simultaneously Produces More, And Fewer, Hurricanes

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Global Warming Simultaneously Produces More, And Fewer, Hurricanes

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    The Government (National Hurricane Center) are the ones responsible for naming hurricanes and determining their intensity. They tell us that there are more hurricanes just because they chose to name every mass of clouds they see on satellite.

    It seems apparent that they simply chose to name more storms now than they used to. They didn’t even know about these disorganized cloud masses in the middle the North Atlantic before the days of satellites.

    • Dave N says:

      “It seems apparent that they simply chose to name more storms now than they used to..”

      The thing is they can name as many as they like; it doesn’t change ACE, which has been falling like a rock for nearly 2 decades. According to FSU, the count has also been falling for over a decade so perhaps they don’t go by “names”.

  2. truthsword says:

    We have said all along that more, or less hurricanes are caused by AGW, but what you are intentially leaving out with your propoganda is that we also said AGW can also cause the same amount of hurricanes.

  3. Anyone who takes time to think will see global warming is rife with inconsistencies. But when I go out in public and see how people drive, dress, and act I see not too many people are thinking.

  4. Mike Davis says:

    The first article relayed on the latest “Best” guess research results from Georgia Tech!

    • Mike Davis says:

      It is entirely possible the second relied on more recent claims by the same group without receding their past conclusions!
      Any claim that is made in Climate Science remains on the books even if later research reaches conflicting conclusions.

      The Science is SETTLED and there is NOTHING to DEBATE!

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