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Good News From The Australian Government – Carbon Tax May Cause Less Than $100 Billion Inflation Over Ten Years
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You’re doing it again, making sensationalist headlines that don’t reflect the piece. Where does $100billion come from.
” $100 Billion Inflation Over Ten Years”
doesn’t even make sense as inflation is measured as a percentage of change over time and $100billion is an actual amount.
Have you been drinking to keep warm ?
GDP of Oz is comfortably over $1 trillion. 1% of 1 trillion is….?
I liked The Economist’s take which was Oz matched NY, except we’ve got the better surfing beaches. No patch on Finland though, they managed 3 states. Must like cold weather & saunas in TE’s office.
I normally assume that readers can do math for themselves.
“Where does $100billion come from.”
Now – pay attention, because I’m only going to do this once.
Australia’s GDP is around $1 trillion (give or take some loose change).
1% of $1 trillion is $10billion
$10billion times 10 years is $100billion.
And this doesn’t take into account for GDP growth (assuming the economy continues to grow under the weight of a carbon tax).
If you include ~4% annual GDP growth, the figure is more like $120billion.
The Climate Commission and Gillard Government proposal to cut emissions at source is totally without research or logic.
UNFCCC 1997 Kyoto proposed based on science, logic, and common sense, projected it could take up to 70 years to see development and a full switch to non emitting energy.
Based on logic (1) there is no sustainable environmentally non polluting energy on the horizon such as stoichiometric hydrogen (2) nations with only coal fossil fuel source would resist impost from others to buy another nations clean energy (3) Nation with financial banker problems will stall at implementing Kyoto protocol (4) Industry and the community at large cannot afford the real cost to make 2or3 changes to less emission energy (5) the CO2 levels over past 300 years demands immediate lowering to stall potential global cooling (6) the Carbon cycle has stalled, desertification expands, lack of potable water, infertile soil, and poverty and ocean toxic levels increase all demand a coordinated master plan (7) deserts in there many forms are expanding at 8kilometres pa and potable water is diminishing (8) The only Assets of Mankind and planet are soil water vegetation and atmosphere all insolubly linked and the UN says 60% damaged. A body dies with60%
Research shows the planet has experienced mass volcanic eruptions many times previously where CO2e has blocked out sunlight heat and, rapid cooling and desertification follows. The workers of man the Bees Birds Butterflies microbes’ flora fauna decline. No bees no food.
Academics’ theorists’ ill-informed’ deliver reports, ague in the house, demand coal fired energy, mining industries, invent clean energy over- night to permit society to continue the luxuries of life. The world is running out of soil, water, and protective vegetation cover to stop climate change. We have in 300 years destroyed the working model of sustainability proven over billions of years. Claiming to be intelligent learned seems we missed some lessons.
A multitude of issues face us including unemployment and nations facing the same problems buying up Australian exhausted land believing it to be fertile following recent floods. The problems manifest and none in power link the dots the evidence.
The quick fix clean energy switching to gas is academic and no answer. We have the wrong folks “thinking” as opposed to practitioners with established God given logical hands-on solutions.
As a society we are being lead in the wrong direction the blind leading the blind so to speak.
Logic details learn the lessons delivered repeatedly by nature the CO2 build-up has a 300year start global cooling a reality. The carbon cycle stalled. A well planned industry lead CO2e sequestering master plan will stall global cooling rebuild the baseline assets and employ many in new sustainable careers. Precisely planned we can support exporters and Qantas with low cost carbon credits and income via carbon trading will also fund study into clean energy such as stoichiometric hydrogen. Only Industry lead for the rotating doors of government will still be arguing.
Robert Vincin sat on UNCTAD UNFCCC assembles 1996-01 see Google