Crime and car accidents increase the GNP because of the increased work for police, ambulances and prisons. A reduction in crime reduces the GNP. Similarly, a good way to increase Australian GNP would be to burn down Sydney and Melbourne each year. GNP would grow because of the extra work for fire brigades, undertakers, architects, builders, and plumbers. There would be little to show for all this annual effort – but there would be a higher GNP.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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If it ever stops raining, we’ll get someone right on to it.
The current warmcold wetdry droughtflood being experienced in Melbourne could create a few problems.
One of the more idiotic remarks seen lately. Let’s hope they are kidding.
He’s thinking of running himself, so yes, he would be now.
Guess what MPs in Australia want a Carbon TAX
Then they fly Private plane!!!
Not much of an economist, is he? Spouting the “Broken Window” fallacy as a way of increasing GNP is not a good way of showing expertise.
Lets say you rebuild to exactly the same value. But you have depleted savings and future earnings (if you have also borrowed to rebuild). Thus, GNP, present and future, has declined.
Indeed. I wonder whether Bastiat spins or laughs in his grave.
I know its wrong, but I take strange comfort in the fact that the U.S. isn’t alone in having a complete imbecile as a national leader.
Every night is Earth Hour in North Korea.
A view of Peoples Democratic Republic of Australia, under Dear Leader Juliar Gillard:
I don’t want to go back to the Roman Times, SAVE MEEEEEEEEEE
He’s obviously been taking lessons from DelBoy.
20 Seconds in.