Greens Wonder If Melting Arctic Ice At -42C Triggered A 5km Deep New Zealand Earthquake 7,000 Miles Away

Global warmers make the Monty Python witch burning crowd look like Mensa.

Considering the two recent unusually large earthquakes: first in New Zealand and then in Japan, it would be helpful at this point to look at the story behind the story that has not been explored by our major media. It may not be apparent to everyone.

You should know that there is mounting evidence that melting polar ice can cause an increase in earthquake activities.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Greens Wonder If Melting Arctic Ice At -42C Triggered A 5km Deep New Zealand Earthquake 7,000 Miles Away

  1. suyts says:

    I’m so guilt ridden by driving my truck……

  2. TinyCO2 says:

    And they wonder why public scepticism is growing.

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