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Grist : “Today’s tsunami: This is what climate change looks like”
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Does Danny Glover run Grist, or what?
Wait isn’t that what the Warmist/Alarmist wanted to heal mother earth in the first place? Now they despise it? I guess it is like their warmcold wetdry religeon they preach, you know they were for it before they were against it arguement. Nothing will ever satisify them untill they get their tax for everything they can imagine, in my opinion.
Some people have no morals.
Speaking of Grist and other mindless left wing politics web sites:
Reports of Joe Bastardi’s demise were greatly exaggerated, 😉
Joe Bastardi resurfaces , will be working alongside Joseph D’Aleo at WeatherBell
link to story at IceCap
Superstition never goes out of fashion – just the events that spark the hysteria:
-Jan 1888:
During the last five days Birmingham has been in a state of almost total darkness.
Great excitement has prevailed among the inhabitants, large numbers of whom are in fear that the end of the world is at hand, the phenomenon being regarded as the fulfilment of a local prophecy.
The dense fog which has for some days past been prevailing over a large part of the United Kingdom is now lifting, except in the midland counties, where it is as dark as night. Many casualties have occurred.”
Make no mistake – the human race is doomed!
Amazing .. I hadn’t realised that Kool Aid (or climate science) had been invented back in 1891:
Eight hundred Adventists in Kansas are awaiting the end of the world, which they believe will occur on next Christmas Day.”
One should get a load of some of the comments there. Even though the author is backing off a bit with a non-denial denial. Seems like the warmists love telling stories that have take small strands of science and link them into a causality chain glued together by fantasy. Oh wait that is the AGW thematic structure, which is also the way of rhetoric and political argument.