Guardian 2005 : “winter cold snaps would become a thing of the past”

The Guardian,   Tuesday 6 December 2005

One of the main reasons for the increase in temperature is that the snow would no longer be cooling the air over the Arctic. Northerly winds would lose their edge and winter cold snaps would become a thing of the past. Soils would also become drier, making life more difficult for plants.

Prof Vavrus said: “If the warming trend coincides as expected with reduced snow cover, then this simulation shows that a tug-of-war may ensue, such that the loss of snow cover favours an expansion of permafrost while the warmer atmosphere favours a contraction of permafrost area.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Guardian 2005 : “winter cold snaps would become a thing of the past”

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    “Cold snaps would become a thing of the past”. But we still reserve the right to trot out warmcold during cold, snowy winters.

  2. “simulation shows … expansion of permafrost and … contraction of permafrost”
    This is consistent with global warming causing everything, including opposites 🙂

  3. Ivan says:

    May 31, 2008. My name is Ross Garnaut and the rules don’t apply to me:

    “In a bid to build a sustainable second house behind his home in inner-Melbourne Princes Hill, Professor Garnaut has told the City of Yarra Council that global warming will lead to more hailstorms in Melbourne – a claim, it now emerges, at odds with those of leading climate change scientists.”,25197,23786397-11949,00.html

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Severe cold believers? Anywhere? I hear crickets……….

    Monbiot………. Monbiot……….. Monbiot………..

  5. Ralph says:

    “One of the main reasons for the increase in temperature is that the snow would no longer be cooling the air over the Arctic.”

    OMG.. More 5th grade science dropouts. If they don’t know why the Arctic get cold they shouldn’t write scientific articles.

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