Guardian : London To Drown

I thought New York drowned in 2008?

Sea level hasn’t risen much since 1970, but that won’t stop it from from rising 500X faster in the next few decades.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Guardian : London To Drown

  1. And the circulation of the Guardian is what?

  2. Dave N says:

    Just being pedantic, but North Shields is a fair way from London. Then again, Sheerness has changed very little in 40 years.. Not to mention London being 24m above sea level..

    The predictions are “Hansenesque”

  3. Ivan says:

    “It has long been known that, because of the after-effects of the last Ice Age, Britain is “tilting” – with the South-east sinking, and Scotland rising up, a phenomenon known as isostatic rebound.”

    Maybe this “worse than expected” event has something to do with it?

    • Blade says:

      “It has long been known that, because of the after-effects of the last Ice Age, Britain is “tilting” – with the South-east sinking, and Scotland rising up, a phenomenon known as isostatic rebound.”

      Can’t find the tectonic plate link right now, but I am pretty sure that the UK is on a long slow journey to the North Pole anyway. Somewhere in Britain there is an address that one day will sit at 0° NH. If only I could be there to see if they welcome polar bears as citizens as freely as they currently welcome 3rd world invaders.

      Fate, it seems is not without a sense of humor. – Morpheus

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    Past failed predictions do not guarantee successful future predictions.

  5. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    6000 years ago it was much much warmer today, glaciers were much further retreated, whats the problem anyway with warmer why must temperature always stay the same, we can’t control it anyway especially with a crappy tax

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