Hansen Already Bluffed The La Niña Card In 2010

Even for a near record-breaking year like 2010 the broader context is more important than a single year. “Certainly, it is interesting that 2010 was so warm despite the presence of a La Niña and a remarkably inactive sun


That was very short sighted of him, because now he doesn’t have any cover for 2011. I guess they can always adjust the data upwards.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Hansen Already Bluffed The La Niña Card In 2010

  1. Jimbo says:

    He forgot El Nino.

  2. Sundance says:

    Is there a limit on how much man made warming Homer creates? He is already .04C degrees/decade higher than UAH and HadCRUT when compared over the entire UAH record. This is already 29% more warming per decade over the 30+ years of UAH record. Can Homer get away with the 50% decadal warming adjustment needed to reach the minimum .2C degrees projected as a minimum warming by his model?

  3. Mike Davis says:

    No Problem! They just need to reduce past temperatures a bit more to make this year appear warmer in comparison. It is all in using the “Proper” Method!

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