Hansen Reminds Us That He Said That He Holds The Key To The Fate Of Humanity

Climate change is likely to be the predominant scientific, economic, political and moral issue of the 21st century.  The fate of humanity and nature may depend upon early recognition and understanding of human-made effects on Earth’s climate. (Hansen, 2009)


There can be little doubt that reducing CO2 is the most important issue which mankind faces, though I disagree with his targets. We need to bring CO2 all the way down to the safe levels of the 1930s, when mankind lived in peace and harmony with nature and each other.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Hansen Reminds Us That He Said That He Holds The Key To The Fate Of Humanity

  1. Les Johnson says:

    Steve: Don’t hold back. What do you REALLY think of Hansen?

  2. Jim Cole says:

    HanSSen may think he “holds the keys to the fate of humanity”,

    but where, oh, where did he misplace

    the keys to his mind?

    “Vee haff vays uff makking you comply”

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    At least in the 1930’s we had natural natural disasters, unlike today’s manmade natural disasters.

  4. mitchel44 says:

    Man-made disasters took place in the 30’s also.


  5. Al Gored says:

    Sure, Steven, you are entitled to your opinion but look what this renowned yet immaculately objective consensus of geniuses knows to be true:

    “Jim Hansen is the planet’s great hero. He offered us the warning we needed twenty years ago, and has worked with enormous courage ever since to try and make sure we heeded it. We’ll know before long if that effort bears fruit—if it does, literally no one deserves more credit than Dr. Hansen.”

    — Bill McKibben, coordinator 350.org and author of The End of Nature

    “Dr. James Hansen is Paul Revere to the foreboding tyranny of climate chaos—a modern-day hero who has braved criticism and censure and put his career and fortune at stake to issue the call to arms against the apocalyptic forces of ignorance and greed.”

    — Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

    “When the history of the climate crisis is written, Hansen will be seen as the scientist with the most powerful and consistent voice calling for intelligent action to preserve our planet’s environment.”

    — Al Gore, Time Magazine

    “If you want to know the scientific consensus on global warming, read the reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. But if you want to know what the consensus will be ten years from now, read Jim Hansen’s work.”

    — Dr. Chuck Kutscher, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and American Solar Energy Society (ASES), editor of ASES report “Tackling Climate Change in the U.S.

    See! See! Chuck knows that Hansen can see the future! Why don’t you?

    And these comments must be accepted because they are in print. And I’m guessing that they were reviewed by Hansen’s “peers before being printed on the dustjacket of his latest sacred text: http://www.stormsofmygrandchildren.com/

    “In Storms of My Grandchildren, James Hansen gives us the opportunity to watch a scientist who is sick of silence and compromise…offer up the fruits of four-plus decades of inquiry and ingenuity just in case he might change the course of history.”

    — L.A. Times

    Essential reading on how Hansen has offered up his fruits, apparently.

  6. DERise says:

    Ah, the pictures show the fruits of seeds sown 20-30 years earlier, what harvest will come of the seeds from Hansen and his ilk? Why am I not always depressed.

  7. Dave N says:

    If the fate of humanity rests in our understanding of the climate, Hansen certainly doesn’t hold the key, since he doesn’t understand it.

    Guys like Corbyn and Bastardi are in an order of magnitude above him, and they don’t fully understand it, either.

    “When the history of the climate crisis is written, Hansen will be seen as the scientist with the most powerful and consistent voice calling for intelligent action to preserve our planet’s environment.”

    I think someone said something similar about Stephen Schneider, except he was talking about a coming ice age at the time.

  8. Layne Blanchard says:

    Reverend hansen will be seen as the nut he is. If there is a defining crisis of this next century, it won’t be a warming climate, but it might be a cataclysm brought upon the world by its worshippers.

  9. Mike Davis says:

    I think before Jonestown there were claims like this about Jim Jones. In the 30s many in Germany felt this way about Hitler!

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