Hide The Decline

I was cleaning up a pile of old mail this evening and found this brochure from November, 2010. They were promoting a gold mining stock which trades under the symbol SILA.

So I checked to see how they did. These guys should work for The Met Office.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Hide The Decline

  1. The Projected Gold Price on the cover looks like a hockey stick. When Steve McIntyre kept seeing the Mann Hockey Stick he thought to himself it looked like a hokey stick graph that companies use to promote their future earnings. It made him suspicious. So he started to look into it. The rest is history. Never make an auditor suspicious. 😉

    Ross McKitrick talks about it in this video:


  2. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Carbon Bob Brown in Australia he’s leader of the Greens (who is the government at the moment)


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