Hiding The Decline Actually Meant Hiding The Increase


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Hiding The Decline Actually Meant Hiding The Increase

  1. Latitude says:

    before they take these pictures, do they tell the makeup artist “make me look like a smug little pri*k”

  2. Mike Davis says:

    His reputation precedes him and any claim he makes you could bet the opposite is true! The decline in one type of temperature proxies did not match the incline in another type of manufactured temperature proxies! Because Apples do not taste like Oranges you can not compare them even if sometimes the size is consistent and statistically the weight may even tend in the same direction for a while. The size and weight of an Orange does not tell you how the Apple crop will do this year.
    That is what they are, or were trying to do, with the Climatology reports.

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