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- arn on “Fascist Salute”
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- Francis Barnett on UK Green Energy Record
- Greg in NZ on Record Warmth Of January 1906
What an amzingly flawed bit of logic.
I suppose replacing all our taxi cabs and busses with horse n cart and rickshaws will reduce our energy use and create lots of employment.
Now there is an idea, start a rickshaw service using university students and muslim immigrants and advertise it as Green Transportation.
The inner city leftard pooffo pinko commo greenies would love it.
(Do they tip well?)
No, cause they’re all whining about someone should give them a job instead of actually applying themselves. So, when they reach the end of their academic career, if the university doesn’t hire them, its back to mom’s basement.
This guy, Holdren, is a stark raving lunatic. My guess is that Theresa Heinz Kerry got this guy installed into his position.
How does this kind of absolute garbage get published in newspapers? The guys is a neo-luddite. According to his “logic” the most manually labor intensive method of doing something is preferable to automation. Wasn’t that great when society had wonderful employment opportunities like seperating cotton seeds for about $.05 a day?
Holdren seems to “think” that if there was less energy available people would simply use less “personal consumption dollars” on fuel and spend it elsewhere. Sorry, people would use a higher percentage of their dollars on less fuel, and other merchandise and services would also be more expensive oweing to greater fuel prices. So basically for Holdren poverity (and everything associated with it) is better than prosperity for the little people.
I’d love to see the klimate-trolls defend Holdren on this.
“Wasn’t that great when society had wonderful employment opportunities like seperating cotton seeds for about $.05 a day?” – I
Even though the human laborer is essentially the consumable in this process I guess for a “green” troll this would be considered very “sustainable”.
This reminds me of a story told about Milton Friedman. He was visiting a roads project in Brazil, and noticed that heavy earth-moving equipment was standing idle at the site, while the laborers were using shovels. When he asked his government guide about this, he was told that by not using the heavy equipment, and using shovels, they were able to create more jobs. Friedman thought about this and then suggested: “Well, if the goal is to create jobs, maybe you should take away their shovels and give them spoons.”
No doubt Holdren would approve of the spoons plan.
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