Homeless In Japan Facing Frigid Temperatures


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Homeless In Japan Facing Frigid Temperatures

  1. Al Gored says:

    On top of everything else. Poor Japanese.

    And it looks like a liitle Nunavut moved to China, which is probably causing all that warmcold.

  2. Jim says:

    We wish the Japanese well and our thougths are with them. It is so unfortunate that the temperatures are so low at this time adding to their misery.

    The nuclear reactors shut down properly when the earthquake triggered, it was just that the back up diesel generators were flooded by sea water from the Tsunami and failed to recover, as is the case with any engine. Had the back up electricity supply/ generators been water tight or on higher ground the problem at the plant would never have happened.

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