How Higher Taxes Improve The Climate

The connection between sacrifice and climate has been understood for thousands of years.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to How Higher Taxes Improve The Climate

  1. Ivan says:

    Also very well undestood by the ruling classes in Australia:
    Carbon tax is a first step in climate fight.
    What we have now is not nearly enough to avoid catastrophic warming.”
    The ghastly Sydney Morning Herald, 28 Feb 2011
    -Ivan (now Google-Free)

  2. Taras says:

    “If taxes cooled the planet, the place would already be an icebox”, B Joyce

  3. Luke of the D says:

    That’s a really good point, Mr. Goddard… we really are like some ancient tribe ruled by blood-thirsty maniacs out to help us by destroying us… a good point indeed.

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