The amount of Arctic ice greater than 2.5 metres thick has more than doubled since the same date in 2008.
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I’m thinking we should start screen shoting all of the alarmist claims about “record low” arctic ice. I don’t see it getting lower than 2007. In fact, I’d be very surprised if it got anywhere close for the minimum.
This is not what the alarmists predicted, yet they still keep shrieking.
Love it!! wuwt has a new post from Steve M, Romm and the teams heads are probably exploding HAHA
All that excessive heat trapped in the atmosphere obviously caused the cold air to spill out of the arctic leaving only warm air, but because it was a moistwarm (a result of excess heat), it leads to thicker ice growth. Just ask a climate scientist, they understand how excessive heat leads to more ice.
Oh, and I might as well say it – “as is consistent with global climate models”.
You can sense the recovery in the sea ice volume from the decline in arctic ocean heat content. From Bob Tisdale:
Note that sattelite monitoring of sea ice extent began in 1979 when arctic ocean heat content was at a low.
This is an estimate of arctic sea ice volume vs NAO from modeling back to 1949.
As you can see the sea ice volume decline was associated with 30 years of positive NAO that has now turned negative as seen in the 1960’s before sattelite monitoring.
It is interesting that the sea ice buildup and negative NAO of the 1960’s was also associated with negative NAO. The new cryosat 2 sattelite has begun measuring sea ice volume accurately since last April and should document the ice volume buildup for the next thirty years. The recent paper on the negative feedback of ice free waters around the arctic in winter is softening the public for the ice volume buildup that Steve has documented since 2008. Climate modelers predicted positive NAO would continue forever due to GHG.
Current NAO:
I ment to post above that the negative NAO of the 1960’s and associated sea ice volume buildup and todays negative NAO were both associated with a decline in solar activity which points to a top down control of climate and sea ice volume by the sun.
This is what happens when greedy capitalist warm arctic waters want all the warmth and suck it out of the ice. Now you have a hot water ice bath. This is perfectly consistent with climate models. Just before his mysterious death from constipation, Elvis warned of this. Now it’s coming true.
What is the total estimated volume right now based on pip2s? I would like to plot it on the historical NAO vs sea ice volume curve from PIOMAS.
This is about like fretting over polar bears. There is currently more ice in the arctic now than the average of the last 9000 years. Arctic ice comes, and arctic ice goes, big deal.