Is Climate Change Caused By Climate Change?

History shows that the climate changes constantly.

Now that the term “climate change” has been hijacked by people who are superstitious about CO2, I have to wonder if historical climate change was the result of climate change, or if is the other way round – that climate change is due to climate change?

Does the climate always change when the climate changes, or do external climate change forcings cause climate change? Are there ever times when the climate changes without the climate changing?

These important philosophical questions need to be answered.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Is Climate Change Caused By Climate Change?

  1. glacierman says:

    Climate change happens when all the excess heat trapped in the atmosphere causes warmcold that spurs an anomolous droughtflood. Then the reradiation of energy feedbacks excessive moisture which manifests as extreme drywet which in turn causes massive earthquakes, magnetic reversals and ultimately more sunspots which makes everything worse then we thought.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    But this climate change is caused by evil SUVs and thus it is a different kind of climate change.

  3. Nobama says:

    Climate Change is actually caused by the ego of the North American Bloviating Sex Poodle, Rotundus Poodlus. It will end when the Poodle’s Chakra no longer seeks release.

  4. Jimbo says:

    It’s climate change when you see that global warming is stalling. After which you focus on weather events as a sign of global warming / climate change / climate disruptivity / climate imbalance.

  5. NoMoreGore says:

    Climate change is Elvis, living now in a vaporous form among the clouds. When you look to the heavens, sometimes you can see him floating past, and this is how you know climate change is real. Mostly, he’s angry about the way Priscilla’s plastic surgery turned out, and so it is hot. But sometimes he’s sad, and then it’s cold. It’s understandable.

  6. Jim Cole says:

    “Alice in Wonderland” comes to mind.

    I don’t recall the character (Mad Hatter?), but the line is “When I use a word, it means exactly what I say it means. Nothing more, nothing less”.

    And then:

    Queen of Hearts: Now then, are you ready for your sentence?
    Alice: But there has to be a verdict first.
    Queen of Hearts: Sentence first! Verdict afterwards.
    Alice: But that just isn’t the way.
    Queen of Hearts: [shouting] All ways are…!
    Alice: …your ways, your Majesty.

    Queen of Hearts: Curtsey when you speak. It saves time.

  7. Jim Cole says:

    Aha! Here we have the correct source:

    ‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.’

    ‘The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

    ‘The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master – that’s all.’

    It’s hard to say who was more prescient about the state of modern affairs – Lewis Carroll or George Orwell. Both worth re-reading.

  8. Gabriel B. Atega says:

    There are several variables that makes the climate constantly change:

    1. The long term swings between Ice Ages and Thermal Maximums. If we are exiting from the last Ice Age, we are therefore heading towards the next Thermal Maximum;
    2. The 10 to 12 years oscillations from droughts to heavy snow and rains, now referred to as El Niño and La Niña. These oscillations are due to the movements of the large planets Saturn and Jupiter as these planets go nearer or swing away farther from the sun.
    3. There is the Earth’s wobble that constantly brings the slow shift of the seasons over the long term. It is expected that winters in the northern hemisphere will be in reverse of that of the southern hemisphere in 12,000 years.
    4. There is the deforestation of the globe by humanity, that have altered the capacity of the Earth’s ground surface to retain water and CO2 (forests keep these elements on the ground); these elements are now staying more often in the atmosphere.

    So the relevant questions should be, how much have we altered the natural change patterns of the Earth’s climate? I believe, that deforestation is the human activity that has substantially altered the climate patterns particularly on areas heavily settled by humans. On a global scale, it is doubtful if we have altered the very long term climate change patterns.

    The observed global warming could simply be that we are now heading towards a thermal maximum. Our having destroyed the forests may be accelerating our return to thermal maximum.

    On the other hand, we have to recognize the possibility of having a climate equilibrium if we believe that we can alter the change patterns to our favor. Without the assurance of a controllable climate equilibrium, then we will just have to submit to the forces of nature that can possibly bring us all to extinction.

    Can humanity bring about a climate equilibrium?

    We should try to find out if that is possible. After all, there is a commandment in Genesis for humanity to subdue or control the forces that affect the Earth. God would not have given the command if this is not possible. Let us find out!

  9. wildman says:

    the problem is simple. climate does not change. the so-called changes we observe, are in fact statements – ecological statements – of unchanging…stuff. Most stuff stays the same, see? So what ever appears to change has in fact, remained the same and therefore we observe it as changing when we are the ones who have failed to remain the same and yet have moved on.


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