“Is Japan’s tsunami linked to climate change?”

Could the earthquake that triggered Japan’s devastating tsunami be linked to climate change?

While it’s unlikely that scientists will be able to provide a definitive answer anytime soon and Japan has long been a hotbed of seismic activity, past research suggests there may indeed be a link between climate change and earthquakes in some parts of the world.


Even less likely is that the global warming community will raise their collective IQ above 50 anytime soon.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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52 Responses to “Is Japan’s tsunami linked to climate change?”

  1. grayman says:

    Steve, you give them to much IQ. Who ever comes up with a story that earthqaukes are because of climate change is a IDIOT, and the world is full of them!

  2. Mike Davis says:

    This is a good sign! If the CLB is pondering this situation in writing they show their ability to have flights of fantasy and share them with the rest of the world!

  3. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Tokyo skyscrapers swaying in earthquake


  4. Sandy Rham says:

    I am immensely proud of human technology to be able to see that.
    Max respect to the Japanese for their achieved building standards.

  5. DEEBEE says:

    Baby steps. Before their IQ dares to go above 50, it has to cross the almost insurmountable barrier of their shoe size.

  6. Raymond DeBrane says:

    Debee, Grayman, it is the climate change skeptics who have a low IQ not those who accept the reality of climate change and climate change related to Earthquakes. The scientific community hasn’t even begun to examine the Japan earthquake and it’s relationship to climate change. So wait a while and let’s see. Some people who have correctly accepted man made climate change have wrongfully jumped the gun on blaming the Japan earthquake on climate change. It is a mistake to open your mouth before putting your brain in gear as Jim Hightower would say. But everybody makes mistakes. But it is the low grade morons who drive for a living because they can’t do anything else worth a paycheck who are inudated with all that right wing climate denail radio, ie: Alex Jones, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and those who can think a bit and can afford cable still for all their intelligence believe Fox News when they say global warning aint man made. The question to why these talk show hosts and Fox News deny man made global warming has been long answered. The energy companies don’t want to lose billions per year having to shut down their oil and coal operations. In a desperate attempt to keep these operations going, they spare relatively small amounts of cash, millions and millions of $$ per year mounting an ever noisier global warming denial campaign to B.S. the public into beleiving that climate change aint man made or isn’t even happening and the climate scientists are guilty of criminal activity. Want proof? Just google Kingpins of climate science denial, Koch New Yorker Magzine, Koch Glenn Beck, Koch greenpeace. Go to http://www.garynull.com and click on his climate change link and read and grasp what’s going on. Go to http://www.climatetv.tv and watch the 2 part video of the debunking of Lord Monckton. Google Monckton Americans for prosperity. In short, do your homework before you call people who believe in climate change low IQ morons. Wake up and smell the coffee. The oil and coal industry has plenty of money to spread around to deny climate change and they are doing it and not only are they doing it, but as the evidence for man made climate change mounts, they are stepping up their efforts in a desperate attemp to stay in business. Oh also google Koch Tea Party. Now those tea partiers are the low grade morons for believing that Koch inspired crap about climate change not being real. Because they haven’t done their homework, they don’t know that the Koch brothers paid for all those tea party meetings where the tea partiers were spoonfed this climate denial crap.

    • The scientific community has understood plate tectonics, subduction zones and convection in the mantle for many decades now. Only a complete scientific illiterate would suggest otherwise.

      • Raymond DeBrane says:

        I never suggested that plate tectonics etc haven’t been well understood. What I am suggesting is that the scientists’ discovery that gigatons of ice melting in the Arctic and Greenland every year is dumping a lot of water in the ocean. Those scientists that have discovered this have warned that increase earthquake activity is possible. This is realtively new info that has to be absorbed into earthquake scientific study.

        What I am saying is that you can’t blame an earthquake on climate change without gathering data. Maybe no supporting data will be found, yet again maybe so.

      • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

        ?? I’m confused, how does dumping ice into the arctic cause an earthquake. The ice is just floating on the water it doesn’t dump into it. Greenland is so far away, USA/Canada is in between. Its on a completely different plate to Japan. So tell me Mr Creationist Raymond, how does it all work?

      • Russ says:

        HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Raymond DeBrane made a funny Trice! HAHAHAHAHA!

    • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

      We don’t deny climate change. The climate always changes.

      Why do you want to stop plate tectonics. Nature depends on it’s how your evil carbon molecule is recycled into the earth to come back out again in volcanoes. Do you deny evolution. I think Raymond sounds like a Creationist and thinks NASA didn’t land on the moon.

      • Raymond DeBrane says:

        Ha ha. You sound like a Koch head! Blogs are full of paid energy industry deniers and those that believe their B.S. I’m not a Creationist. But I do see some of their side of things and the evolutionists’ side of things. The creationists are wrong to think that evolution never occured. And the evolutionists are wrong to think evolution happened on blind chance, natural selection, and eons of time alone. How can you call Edison a genius for inventing the phonograph, motion pictures etc and declare all the very complex biological systems we see on Earth as an accident? Keep in mind that in order to design a robotic creature such as an android would require many people of many scientific disciplines to engineer and construct it. That demands a lot of book learning. And that book learning includes, math, algebra, trigometry, calculus etc. And some of the other disciplines needed are television camera technology, computer technology, mechanical engineering, etc.
        Some scientists are breaking with their atheistic collegues on blind chance evolution.

        As far as the creationists are concerned, I say they are a bunch of Bible believing butt heads to think that some imaginary White haired and bearded old man molded everything we see with his God-like hands, and that everything was created all at once. Hell, if man was ‘created’ in God’s image, then he like us would have had to ‘evolve’ his technology. Hell, we went from banging 2 rocks together to inventing the wheel, inventing the telegraph, the telephone, cell phones, satellites, cars, airplanes, space ships, etc. Look at the old photos of cars and photos up to the present and see the ‘evolution’.

        As for the moon, I have an open mind on whether we went or not. I don’t have any way of knowing for sure. I say, show me the photos of the junk we left behind and I’ll know for sure.

      • Russ says:

        HAHAHAHAHA , Raymond DeBrane made another funny!

      • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


        BTW where do I get my cheque from I want to get paid too for blogging lol tell me where to sign up

      • Raymond DeBrane says:

        Dear confused loaf of bread. As far as I remember from what I read, the ice dumped into the ocean adds to the volume of water in the ocean, thus the projected sea level rise. But it also causes a redistribution of pressure, on the ocean floor. And where there are sensitive spots that are earthquake prone, the pressure added by the fresh water from the ice can trigger those faults. Go to the net and get educated, please!

      • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

        So Ice floating on top of the water weighs more when it melts?


    • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:
  7. Russ says:

    HAHAHAHAHA! Raymond DeBrane made a funny!!!!!

  8. Raymond DeBrane says:

    Russ, you mean http://www.austinchronicle.com The hightower report doesn’t exist? I made a typo the first time around. The .com didn’t get attached to the link I left.

    • Russ says:

      HAHAHAHA! Raymond DeBrane made yet another funny this time with Muppets! HAHAHAHA!

    • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

      ???? This from Texas. Even Alex Jones has more info then that site all I see is the muppets at the front I thought they were extinct with polar bears

      • Raymond DeBrane says:

        I’m still not sure what this muppet thing is about, but I did see a beaver on the http://www.austinchronicle website. It seems to have something to do with the South by soutwest music festival. I don’t know what though.

        For those computertards who can’t locate Jim Hightower’s column, here is the link.

        What do ya know? Jim is writing about the Kochs! And Jim seems to have stolen the term Koch Head from me. I’ll have to speak to him about that.

        One thing I will say about that site is that is is awful slow to respond to commands like scrolling down.

      • Raymond DeBrane says:

        If you want to hear all of the global warming denial crap that many of you crave and believe in, listen to Alex Jones Thstreaming 24/7 on http://www.infowars.com. Whenever I can listen to most of the program, Jonesy beats the global warming denial war drum without fail. Enjoy the program. Do compare some of his content with http://www.garynull.com These two guys are in agreement about the flouridation of water, the GMO’s in your food, the 911 building 7 demolition. But when it comes to climate change they differ dramatically. Alex Jones, like to Koch Brothers is a far right wing libetarian. I know that he’s a good researcher. But if he can find the truth about some things and then hit you over the head with the big global warming lie, then either he’s an incomptent researcher on climate change, or a paid off Koch Head. I report, you decide.

  9. Mike Davis says:

    Raymond is probably an Aggie Alumni which would explain his display of intelligence.
    He linked to the Muppets because they are kin as they also have a puppet master with a hand up their back side controlling what they say.
    I saw your old girl friend and she told me to pass along a greeting if I happened to find you blogging. She said: BAHHHHHH BAAAHHHHHH! She said you would be able to translate!

  10. Raymond DeBrane says:

    Hey peeps. My Kaspersky antivirous program is warning me about Trojans on this site. So far it seems my excellent Kaspersky program is denying them admission.

  11. Raymond DeBrane says:

    Dear Godamned. Never ever ever ever rely on any conservative site to tell you any truth about climate change, climate history or even how to care for you sheep! Only the liberal sites like http://www.garynull.com tell the truth about climate change because unlike the conservative sites, they are not bought and paid for by the Koch brothers or Exxon or Nixxon or anbody else.

    Back in 73 I saw a poster that showed a pic of the White House and a caption that read, Nixxon, it’s still the same old gas. That was when Esso changed their name to Exxon.

    • Where do I sign up for the big oil money?

    • Russ says:

      HAHAHA, is that the same as when Enron changed it’s name to ENviRONment! HAHAHA!

      • Raymond DeBrane says:

        I think they also change Enron Field to Minute Maid park. That’s a safe name because it’s unlikely that an orange juice company will get mixed up in coporate crime and greed bordering on the insane. Look at the net about corporate chieftons being psychopaths. It’s seems the psychpaths rise to the top.

        When I took the Universal Studios tour, we drove by the house used in the movie Psycho. The tour guide said, see that path that leads up to the house. It’s called the Pscyho Path.

    • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

      This site is Real S C I E NCE

      It’s more Science then Real Climate. I think Real Climate is the conservative one since they just believe one thing that the temperature always goes up. Just like in the tech boom, and as I recall Clinton was in power then.

      • Raymond DeBrane says:

        I never liked Pumpernickel. I always preferred whole wheat. You put a bad taste in my mouth because you obviously are either a Koch Head or a true believer like the people I met up with here in Austin at an Alex Jones seminar. They are true believers in global warming being a hoax, a criminal conspiracy by the climate scientists, and a globalist takover that will kill your freedoms and knock you back to the dark ages. This guy is a bad news fear mongerer. And he never interviews a real climate scientist. Whe he wants to present the ‘truth’ about climate change, he drags out the Koch Brothers’ bitch, that crazy Brit, the so-called Lord Christopher Moncton. When he interviewed a guest on the phone named Max Kaiser, he shut him up and fear mongered his audience when Maxy tried to tell his audience the truth about the urgency needed to combat climate change before it’s too late.

  12. keren says:

    This tsunami in Northern Japan was truly a a disaster. Our prayers are with the Japanese people. Please support the Japanese Red Cross

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