It Isn’t Radiation Killing People In Asia

Tens of thousands killed in Japan by a Tsunami. North Korea is running out of food due to the cold weather, and 25% of their people are starving according to the UN.

Meanwhile the press obsesses about CO2 and radiation – and emulating the North Korean lifestyle tonight.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to It Isn’t Radiation Killing People In Asia

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    Our comrades in North Korea are starving from white male produced warmcold!! It’s as plain as the nose on your face.

  2. Sundance says:

    Steve Goddard is radiation free and is the answer to clean energy if we can capture his CO2 and bury it.

    ‘Pedal power lights room, grinds morning coffee beans’

    • Scott says:

      So one thing that I thought would be cool would be to start a fitness club where all of the bikes (and other potential equipment) were tapped to the grid to provide some of the power for the place. If someone designed a fitness club like that, it’d work out really well. It’d bring in a lot of memberships from the greens and have a lower electric bill than the other exercise places. Has anyone heard of someone trying this before?


      • mohatdebos says:

        I believe such clubs already exist!

      • Warren says:

        This reminds me of a TV program I saw called ‘Bang Goes The Theory: Human Power Station’. 80 cyclists pedal to provide electric power for the daily needs of a family. The family were told to use appliances as they normally would, but not told how the electricity was to be generated.

        We get to see, for example, that 30 cyclists are required to boil a kettle. Finally, a time comes when demand is greater than all 80 cyclists can supply and the ‘experiment’ comes to an end.

        See a review here


  3. Pascvaks says:

    Isn’t the World supposed to come to a terrible end next year? Or is it 2014? I can’t seem to remember anything anymore. Oh well, it must not have been important. Is it true you can start a fire by rubbing two sticks together? How long does it take? Do we have enough time, or should we just forget it and freeze to death?

    • Mike Davis says:

      Dec 12 2012! 12-12-12 is the EOTW event that is currently scheduled! Now that all depends if we make it past 11-11-11 this year because that will give us a taste of what to expect on 12-12-12. Do not plan on having a long lunch or eat early because the event will happen at 12:12:12 and because it is an End Of The World event there will be no AFTER for anyone to feel terrible! At 12:12:12 in each time zone everything will cease so we will have 24 hours of advance warning when things stop starting at the International Date Line and advance West from there.
      Yes you can start a fire by rubbing two sticks together but it is easier to use a lighter and if the sun is shining you can use a magnifying glass.
      As far as having enough time? It will either be instantaneous or a non event, Take your pick!
      Personally I plan to wait and see because if it happens I will not have anything to worry about after and if it does not I will not have anything to worry about after! It is the Precautionary Principle Writ Large because there is a chance that taking action to prevent an imagined problem will cause problems also. Business as usual while attempting to correct known problems will eventually arrive at solutions but chasing imaginary problems just wastes resources!

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