Japan Struggles To Restore Electricity- While The UK Government Fantasizes About The Joys Of The Dark Ages



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Japan Struggles To Restore Electricity- While The UK Government Fantasizes About The Joys Of The Dark Ages

  1. Blade says:

    “Japan Struggles To Restore Electricity- While The UK Government Fantasizes About The Joys Of The Dark Ages”

    Well said. Bravo.

    This what you get when you elect and empower people very similar to Jim Jones or Heaven’s Gate. Amazingly there are still many that do not realize this!

  2. mikegeo says:


    Here’s a succinct evaluation of the Japan nuclear situation and the hype that the media struggled to deliver in their particular emotionally incontinent way.
    I especially liked this part of the author’s analysis.

    “The lesson to learn here is that if your country is hit by a monster earthquake and tsunami, one of the safest places to be is at the local nuclear powerplant. Other Japanese nuclear powerplants in the quake-stricken area, in fact, are sheltering homeless refugees in their buildings – which are some of the few in the region left standing at all, let alone with heating, water and other amenities.”

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