“Last winter was proof of climate change”

Now we know that cold fronts have warm air behind them.

When the reflective ice and snow layer is stripped away, it leaves a dark blue sea which absorbs the sun’s rays and aids the heating process. As the ocean gets warmer it is in marked contrast with the polar air above. The heat from the ocean flows up into the polar air, creating a high pressure system. This forces the polar air to move and then pushes frigid air down into Europe and across the globe.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to “Last winter was proof of climate change”

  1. klem says:

    This might be true, it’s speculation of course, but it still might actually be true. But this is the same thing which always happens when climate alarmists make claims about ACC; last winter just might be proof that the earths climate changes, but it is not proof or even evidence that CO2 is the cause.

    ACC is dead. Cheers.

  2. Mike Bromley says:

    What aggravates me is the contention that the heat is lost in winter when the “dark blue” ocean is frozen over…small issue with timing. It is made to sound like there’s a big whoosh of warmth displacing all the cold air. Ummmm…OK. Whatever.

    • Latitude says:

      What gets me, is that it’s winter! no sun!

      When anyone can watch the SST’s and follow the warmer water going up there

      The warmer water is not created up there

      • suyts says:

        No it’s not. And more, they are once again are selectively attempting to explain a process that doesn’t occur every year. By this reasoning and logic, every winter in the last decade should have had a similar outcome.


        SOMEONE SHOW ME HOW THIS STANDS TO LOGIC? OVERLAND? Dr. Stroeve? What about toon boy that came by yesterday?

        Someone show me how essentially the same amount of ice coverage can be cause for extreme cold and extreme mildness alternatively and sequentially? What? Did history just start 2 years ago? Or did the natural process of the earth’s climate suddenly change in 2009? pphhhhtt…… warmcold. Of the Orwellian nature. The decade of 2000 Down the memory hole already?

      • Mike Davis says:

        You are not on the right drugs to make it logical! 😉

  3. Charles Higley says:

    “When the reflective ice and snow layer is stripped away, it leaves a dark blue sea which absorbs the sun’s rays and aids the heating process.”

    You just have to love 2nd grade level thinking – thinking only a 2nd grader would buy.

    Solar input is about 3% of normal due to the low angle and long path the light takes through the atmosphere and the low angle means that the light intensity is less )17% of 17% os 3%. This pitiful amount of energy would be absorbed by the surface water and the energy lost almost immediately to evaporative cooling. It is simply not possible to heat the Arctic waters with its pathetic solar input. Oh, 3% is at the peak of summer. Multiply by 2 just for giggles to cover the 24 hour day and you still have a pathetic 6% solar input. Heating is just not going to happen.

    • Mike Davis says:

      Water is also more reflective than ice with the sun at a low angle! When fishing in early morning at sunrise and late evening as the sun was setting I would get a nice tan on my face with a wide brim hat on! My Eye Doctor blames that for my developing cataracts!

  4. Paul H says:

    If warm air rises, it creates a low pressure system, not a high pressure one.

    • Mike Bromley says:

      Exactly. Warm air is less dense, hence it will rise through a cold air mass….not displace it. I don’t think the paper was actually published….just submitted. Any reviewers would have at least had issue with some of the assertions made. The newspaper article was written for grade four stuidents, I’ll bet.

  5. suyts says:

    The winter of 2005-2006 had the lowest ice coverage in recent years. So, given the current warmcold posit, this should have been the coldest snowiest winter.

    December-February Anomaly Rank Warmest Year on Record
    Land +0.72°C (+1.30°F) 8th warmest 2002 (+1.20°C/2.16°F)
    Ocean +0.39°C (+0.70°F) 6th warmest 1998 (+0.55°C/0.99°F)
    Land and Ocean +0.48°C (+0.86°F) 8th warmest 2004 (+0.65°C/1.17°F)

    Land +0.74°C (+1.33°F) 11th warmest 2002 (+1.55°C/2.79°F)
    Ocean +0.35°C (+0.63°F) 6th warmest 1998 (+0.52°C/0.94°F)
    Land and Ocean +0.50°C (+0.90°F) 9th warmest 2004 (+0.81°C/1.46°F)

    Uhmm, no, not it wasn’t.


    Northern Hemisphere
    Land and Ocean
    +0.74°C (+1.33°F)
    +0.35°C (+0.63°F)
    +0.50°C (+0.90°F)
    11th warmest
    6th warmest
    9th warmest
    2002 (+1.55°C/2.79°F)
    1998 (+0.52°C/0.94°F)
    2004 (+0.81°C/1.46°F)

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