Life In The Wind Tunnel

We have been getting blasted with one Chinook after another here along the Colorado Front Range. On the other side of the Continental Divide it has been cold and snowy, but we have been warm, windy and dry. I nearly got blown off my bike twice yesterday up in the mountains, and this morning is a gale along the plains, with temperatures in the 50s.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Life In The Wind Tunnel

  1. suyts says:

    Lol, I’d personally like to thank you and the Rocky mountains for being my wind block………..even though, you guys don’t always manage it properly. But that map is a perfect example of what the Rockies sometimes do for us Kansans. Keep up the good work!

  2. Lance says:

    Yes, here in Calgary we enjoyed a week of nice warm weather, and snow and ice finally started to melt. Long ways off from last year, when I had the bike out by now.

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