Math Problem

Suppose someone believed that 95% of The Earth’s surface was at a 0.1 temperature anomaly, and that the other 5% was at an (extrapolated) 5.0 anomaly. What would the global anomaly be?

(.95 * 0.1) + (.05 * 5.0) = 0.35

Try that same problem again, excluding the imaginary 5%

1.0 * 0.1 = 0.1

The fabricated data caused the global anomaly to more than triple.

Extra credit : Go claim that the first calculation set a world record by 0.01 degrees.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Math Problem

  1. Anything is possible says:

    It’s even worse than you think, Steve……

    Check out Werner Brozek’s 1:47pm post on this thread :

  2. suyts says:

    lol, Well, isn’t that nice? Steve’s giving JH extra credit! Maybe the Hansen supporters will give him his own props for this nod of appreciation for Hansen’s expertise?

  3. Averaging when most of the world has no warming and the Arctic has warming produces a lot of lies used by the alarmists.

    Remember: A CRU email from Phil Jones to Michael Mann, Malcolm Hughes and others, Mar 11, 2003, stated: “Even with the instrumental record, the early and late 20th century warming periods are only significant locally at between 10-20% of grid boxes.”


    And Hansen said the 1930s-1940s warming was natural – ” the observed maximum is due almost entirely to temporary warmth in the Arctic. Such Arctic warmth could be a natural oscillation”


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