Monbiot Now Thinks He Is Dr. Strangelove

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Monbiot Now Thinks He Is Dr. Strangelove

  1. MarkL says:

    Moonbat, indeedd!

  2. Mike Bromley says:

    Huh? An almost-about-face? Next he’ll be onto a SuperPhenix breeder reactor.

  3. Al Gored says:

    If anyone doubted that Moonbat was a useful idiot for Big Green Inc., this should put an end to that.

    That said, I am pro-nuclear power so…

  4. Jim Cole says:

    GM proves the possibility of simultaneous enlightenment and blithering ignorance.

    He tumbles to the trivial releases of radiation from Fukushima, despite the earthquake/tsunami calamities, and says this “provides perspective”. ‘Deed it do!

    Yet he continues the fantasy that “renewables” will provide base-load electrical power.

    When I learned New Math in the 50s, we were taught to estimate results by orders of magnitude. It is a most useful skill that reduces the likelihood of uttering forehead-slapping inanities.

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