Montreal Gazette Wonders If Meltwater From Glaciers Lubricated Japanese Fault At The Bottom Of The Ocean

This is a new global warming concept – seawater is wetdry, and freshwater now sinks into a column of denser seawater.

Could global warming be causing recent earthquakes?

These scientists theorize, however, that glacier melts could cause shallower quakes.

Andrew Hynes, a tectonics expert at McGill University, said the issue is not so much the load shift on the Earth’s crust, but rather the increased fluid pressure in the fault that lubricates the rock, allowing the plate to slide.

“All earthquakes, except those produced by volcanic activity, are essentially the unsticking of faults,” he said.

In other words, if you pump fluid into a fault, it can reduce the friction and allow the rock to slide.

Could the stress transfers and the added melt from glaciers inject more fluid into the rocks, creating earthquakes?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Montreal Gazette Wonders If Meltwater From Glaciers Lubricated Japanese Fault At The Bottom Of The Ocean

  1. Dave N says:

    The quakes depth was 32km. These guys are total loons.

  2. suyts says:

    Pump fluid in a fault……….too……stupid……to……contemplate…….must……energize….dumbing down sequence……….

    phew…. that was a close one. My mind almost explode by reading the blathering stupidity.

    In other words, if you pump fluid into a fault, it can reduce the friction and allow the rock to slide.

    Fine, please explain all of the none earthquakes happening with fault lines under the various oceans. Well, my stupid shield only lasts for a few minutes, so I won’t be able to read much more of this idiocy.

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