Now they are swimming with the fishes. It looks like NASA’s primary mission (appeasing Islamic countries) is also going very smoothly.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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I was finished with NASA when The Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter (JIMO) was canceled and it was around the time when “climate change pseudo-political-science of AGW” kicked in.
As an enthusiast in space exploration, science and astronomy, NASA and the European Space Agency have reached an all time low in my opinion, the majority of science being done seems to based around “Social Anthropology”, “political climate sciences” and all the other so called sciences that are evolved in the monitoring of human activity.
All of which have nothing what so ever to do with space exploration the advancement of science or the well being of mankind, It has now become a pointless inward looking activity, very much involved with political agendas, intertwined with Neo-environmental and Social media stunts, It’s the control of Human Beings these programs are about, I’m calling it like it is!
It’s not very inspiring to see another satellite sent up there to monitor human emissions of one kind or another in the first place, and it certainly doesn’t give a sense of confidence these space programs either of the monetary cost or the amount of failure involved.
The whole scientific community seems to be wrapped around information and technology, sitting around playing with models and their expensive super-computers, accumulating thousands of years of data and to be recognized for their peer-reviewed interpretation and who can not be criticized because of how intelligent and important they are (woop de fricken doo).
There must be a lot of frustrated scientists, Astronomers and engineers in these dark days of the anthropological era of doom, and the forecast of the continued rise of this idiosyncratic society is mirrored by the cost and failure of it’s ventures.
Young minds today are more inspired by the belief in Aliens and cover up conspiracy’s, Why? because we are not out there exploring the real universe, pushing the boundary’s, they are not involved with the experiences of those who could be in space or discovering what really is out there, instead (sigh…), they are asked to count contrails and blow bubbles, that’s right! exciting times folks.
When you stop to think, building rockets is supposed to be something they know how to do….
…when they can’t even get it up there, who would believe they can monitor anything once they do
I think that is a bit harsh, you said
“It’s not very inspiring to see another satellite sent up there to monitor human emissions of one kind or another in the first place,”
That’s only half it’s mission. Also space exploration doesn’t have a primary role to inspire, unless it is used as a political tool as it was for the moon missions, but to get data.
You also say
“All of which have nothing what so ever to do with space exploration the advancement of science or the well being of mankind”
True, this mission was not designed to explore space but it certainly fill the last two requirements you stated. Just because it is not sexy doesn’t mean it would not do a good job.
I’m afraid most space science does humdrum jobs around the earth rather than going into deep space on pure science missions. In these times those are a luxury, but they are still being done.
I think your negative thoughts are misplaced, no need to be so sad about it all 🙂
Of course, it’s called a “harsh critique”, and as I implied, they seem to be above all criticism even in light of their failures.
You say:
“Also space exploration doesn’t have a primary role to inspire”
It actually does have that role, as NASA’s own vision states,
“As explorers, pioneers, and innovators, we boldly expand frontiers in air and space to inspire and serve America and to benefit the quality of life on Earth.”
You say:
“most space science does humdrum jobs around the earth”
Are you talking about jobs like this?
Modeling and Simulation at NASA
You say:
“I think your negative thoughts are misplaced, no need to be so sad about it all”
Are my thoughts really negative?. Misplaced? All the time!, Am I so sad? Boo Freaking Hoo.
All the best Andy~ 🙂
Andy, it needs to be harsh. Sure NASA was used as a political tool. And it was used to the benefit of all mankind! It was an inspiring agency. How many children wanted to grow up being an astronaut? NASA is an extension of man’s most compulsive nature! As Sparks pointed out, “As explorers, pioneers, and innovators, we boldly expand frontiers in air and space…”
Andy, this is what we do. We look to see what’s on the other side of the hill. We go beyond our vision. We climb to see what’s at the top. We desperately need adventure and experience. It is these things that differentiate existence from living.
In my short time on earth, there was a time when NASA was unquestionably the best at fulfilling one of mankind’s most primary needs. Today, this can not be stated.
It is time to shut down NASA or at least have it redelegated an organization the same as Greenpeace.
The Chinese and Russians have no problems delivering satellites into orbit and can do it far more cost effectively. This would free up more time for NASA to spread their green propaganda and junk science.
Oblunder should be ashamed.
At least, as Hansen predicted, it did not have far to fall.
keep this also in mind. ..these are all climate modelling missions as the only use of the sparse data collected for too short a time is to play with climate models. nothing else, nothing.
Probable cause of this debacle, according to NASA: The mission was lost in a launch failure when the payload fairing of the Taurus launch vehicle failed to separate during ascent.
This comes two years after a similar disaster:
Actual cause, according to the official report: The Mishap Investigation Board led by Rick Obenschain, deputy director at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., verified that the Taurus launch vehicle fairing failed to separate upon command.
I find it a strange coincidence that both failed launches saw the destruction of satellites that would have been used to possibly prove that man is responsible for dangerous global warming / climate change / climate disturbances (whatever), or, they could possibly have proved no such link existed. Perhaps someone somewhere didn’t want to take that risk….
Today, a NASA spokesman said that, in the two years between the launches, extensive work has been carried out to rectify the problem with the first launch. He also said that three successful launches took place during this time using similar systems to the two that failed, though the satellites placed in orbit were unrelated to the great scam – okay, he didn’t say scam.
Funny, that no one here has mentioned that both the satellite and the rocket are built by Orbital Sciences Corp. who motto is Innovation you can count on
It was still NASA’s responsibility to make sure it worked.
It was Bush’s fault.
Sounds like a very expensive way to try to lower the Artic ice extent by high-speed impaction. 😉
I’m hoping pet stores will offer a miniture replica of a NASA rocket to place in my fish tank to commemorate this historic day in climate research.
This is Chinese for laughing out loud which I’m sure they are.
Pops says:
March 5, 2011 at 2:30 pm
You are being cynical.
Yet, I thought the same thing, and gave myself a dope slap for being paranoid.
Yet, a mere half-billion dollar loss compared to the hundreds of billions that the warm-earthers receive each year worldwide would be a small price to pay.
Believe me, they all know very well that the cAGW hypothesis fails on every scientific issue. To scuttle a rocket or two would be good insurance to delay the inevitable complete loss of funding for this boondoggle, once the facts are revealed clearly so even Democrats can see, so they can get back to subsidizing sub prime mortgages and violating rights.
No, no! (Sound of one hand slapping)…What am I thinking? Serenity now, serenity now…
It was interesting though. From the very first mention of GLORY in the press and blogs, it was sort of like a gauntlet being thrown. Alarmists would blather about “now we’re really going to see and show you skeptics what’s really happening!!” The skeptics picked up the gauntlet and said “Good! We can’t wait for what the data will show!” ……………….. Then GLORY took a dive. Maybe something like “Oh $hit!!! They really are watching!”
But nah….. in this case, I like Anthony’s advice. Never ascribe malfeasance to something that can easily be explained by incompetence.
So the warmists were able to infiltrate this private corporation and sabotage the rocket. These are some clever scheming buggers. MAybe we can get Inhofe to check to see is Hansen’s fingerprints are on the faulty sections. Damn he probably would wear gloves.
It is always someone else’s fault. Blame Bush.
Syeve, yeah CRAZY of me to think the folks who built it could in any way be responsible.
Democrats are never responsible for anything
They canceled Jupiter and Saturn moon projects too, once some embarrassing facts came to light. Like the fact that Titan had oceans of ethane, and that methane rain fell in amounts that dwarfed earth’s supplies of “fossil fuels”. Or that the sun’s magnetic field controlled cosmic rays that influenced climate cycles. No, no—that kind of information is dangerous to the uninitiated mind.
Some warm-earthers even went so far to say that the hydrocarbons on Titan were caused by previous life forms (can you imagine what their dinosaurs looked like?). Then they were told to shut up, they sound like Carl Sagan. Let’s let the Titan story fade, for the great unwashed, into a “that is sooo last year” type of memory.
No, oil and gas on earth are renewable resources. Just the logic of Titan tells one that. The Ukrainian geochemists proved it (and made it!) 30 years ago, that most oil and gas is abiogenic. That does not fit well with the leftist mantra, or with their plan to dominate the world by imposing Draconian energy controls.
People used to laugh at me when I would state that oil fields must have been the place where all the trees and dinosaurs went to die, else the term “fossil fuel” would be a misnomer. Anyone with an ability to reason would come to know we don’t know jack about the mechanisms that naturally makes our carbon based fuels. Abiotic would seem much more reasonable to me than thinking trees, plants and dinosaurs intuitively knew where their regional burial ground was. But logic and reasoning doesn’t often come into play in (post?) modern science.
I have an interesting story from my high school years.
In my biology class, we had a text book Called “Our environment and the living things in it”. It was a good book, and a good course, which helped inspire me to become a biochemist/organic chemist of some accomplishment over the last 40 years.
But it helped me become a critical thinker, because I could pick out the environmental scams we were being taught, or at least question them in my mind, and that in turn, ingrained in me the scientific method. I was a sceptic long before I knew the word.
One chapter about evolution meant to show the great time scales that enabled evolution to happen:
The subject was the petrified forest in Arizona. The forest lies in a landslide that had fallen away and revealed 5 or six layers of petrified trees, standing upright, completely mineralized.
The picture of the site showed the sign at the park that said something like, “millions of years of successive forests, stratified in layers and petrified”.
I noted at the time that the trees, standing erect in strata separated by many meters, one on top of the other, were perfectly oriented, as if each forest was frozen in place above another. I thought that was strange, how did they stand up and not rot over millions of years and not fall over or decay? I lived near a forest, and trees fell over and rotted and disappeared.
But it was a textbook, and therefore, fact, for a fourteen year-old.
Then, 30 years or so later, Mt. St. Helens erupted. Trees were blown into a mud lake and floated until they became waterlogged. They sank, roots first, since that’s the heaviest end, with roots and rocks and all, so they “planted” themselves in the mud bottom. Sediment covered them, more trees sank and were fixed above them in new sediment layers, and so on, until strata of vertical trees were frozen, perfectly in vertical orientation.
Soon after this Mt. St. Helens fact was observed, some creation scientists went to the petrified forest, thinking that a similar event let to the petrified forest. They took tree rings from a tree in each strata. Lo and behold, this proved that the trees all belonged to the same forest!
The sign that said “millions of years of forest history” was quietly removed from the National Park site, probably in the dead of night, with no fanfare or mention in the press, to my knowledge. I went by there a few years ago and noticed no sign, except “Petrified Forest”.
SO to warm-earth believers—I predict you will disappear with a whimper, not a scream. Like Roseanne Roseannadanna (Gilda Radner) you may go on to say, “Never Mind”.
bubba, that is an interesting story. I hadn’t heard about the recent findings of the petrified forest, but I remember having the same thoughts. How could this be?
It is a wonderful example of knowledge of things we thought we had, only to find we were entirely incorrect as to our assumptions.
And you’re right, warmists will slowly and gently matriculate to a nuanced cause leaving the final word on global warming unspoken. Likely to reappear again after they’ve wiped all server hard drives of any reference to skeptical positions.
bubbagyro says:
March 5, 2011 at 7:54 pm
Hi bubbagyro,
Sounds a lot like the Specimen Ridge story to me.
The way we interpret the world is largely guided by our presuppositions, whether that means you believe that increased govt control is beneficial, you think the Bible is the literal word of God, or you think there is no such thing as a supernatural force. Because there’s really no way to quantify the validity of such assumptions, it’s difficult to explain what statistical tests actually show.
The team needs to step in and propose that Arctic ice melt has caused greater levels of water vapor in the atmosphere which in turn caused an icing problem preventing rocket stage seperation and then blame the mission failure on global warming from man made CO2. Create fear that iced up rockets falling out of the sky could kill millions and then ask for more funding to research the dangers. It’s brilliant and the press and public are certainly stupid enough to buy it!
The team’s chances of getting such a scam, I mean plan, to fly is very high given their history and it may be the only thing that has a chance of flying at NASA for awhile.
Private companies can send up WEATHER satellites we don’t need NASA to do that!!
And now NASA can’t even do that !!
BTW is NASA going to offset the fuel damage they did with that launch, I mean 10,000 plants will now live because of the extra CO2 they might need to exterminate them?
UPDATE: More inspirational news, the American space program has been saved!! NASA has discovered a new cheaper way to get into orbit!