Neurotic Paranoid Greens Threaten Viriginia

Global warming will bring harsher storms and higher sea levels. “Sea-level rise and the likely increase in hurricane intensity and associated storm surge will be among the most serious consequences of climate change,” the plan said. “Under the high GHG emission scenario, annual precipitation is projected to increase to about five inches, or about a 40% increase in annual precipitation from 2000 to 2100.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Neurotic Paranoid Greens Threaten Viriginia

  1. Tourist in Chief says:

    Psychotic. And they’re all over the Illegal UN Eco-Psycho World Order ICLEI too.

    If this can’t be stopped by congress following 2012, it could precipitate a civil war. It is nothing less evil than the NAZIs.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    More taxes and time consuming bureaucratic regulations for our friends in Alexandria, all in the name of saving the planet.

  3. DERise says:

    Metro DC, The reason VA voted Obama in 08. People that have moved there fail to grasp that, like all coastal cities/low lying areas, in heavy rains those areas are prone to flooding. Heck, DC is a reclaimed swamp. South of Alexandria, in the Norfolk/Virgina Beach area, there is flooding every heavy rain. There has been for years. This whole area is called the Coastal Flood Plain for a reason. These babies need to grow up. Unless their agenda is something other than what they pubically state, in which case they need to be stopped.

  4. Mike Bromley says:

    “annual precipitation is projected to increase to about five inches, or about a 40% increase in annual precipitation from 2000 to 2100.”

    Let me get this straight. Alexandria is in the middle of the Virginia Desert? Or sloppy, unchecked reporting?

  5. Mike Bromley says:

    “annual precipitation is projected to increase to about five inches, or about a 40% increase in annual precipitation from 2000 to 2100.”

    Hmm. Let me get this straight. Alexandria is in the middle of the Virginia Desert? Or sloppy, unchecked reporting?

  6. Mike Davis says:

    Wow! 5 inches is a good weekend rain here. Even then people still build in the flood plain.
    It is not a SWAMP! It is a Marsh! There is a big difference and I know because a member of the Chicken Little Brigade corrected me on that a while back.
    The only difference I could find was the spelling. I guess in an upscale neighborhood it is a MARSH and for the unwashed it is a SWAMP! Both are subject to soil compaction over time.

  7. DERise says:

    Mike Davis:
    Down in “these here parts” large portions of land have been reclaimed from the Great Dismal Swamp and turned into farmland and residental tracts. Understandibly, they flood on occasion. Now as for the DC area (otherwise referred to as Sodom on the Potomac), I would be more than happy to Alter my view and state that it was reclaimed from “Marshland” if only to differentiate it from the fetid swamp of discusting corruption is has become.

  8. DERise says:

    sorry, “disgusting”

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