No Greater Truth : California Skiing Is Doomed

As the San Francisco Chronicle wrote five years ago, skiing in California and Colorado is doomed. Alpine Meadows is closed today due to too much snow.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to No Greater Truth : California Skiing Is Doomed

  1. Because of your Kilimanjaro post re-posted at WUWT this morning I came across this from John McCain’s web site:

    October 30, 2003:

    My favorite author is Ernest Hemingway……. One of his most famous short stories is entitled “The Snows Of Kilimanjaro.”…… the snows of Kilimanjaro may soon exist only in literature.

    He also said this on the same page:

    ……“Winters In New England Are Getting Shorter,” according to the USGS scientists…..


    • HopeyChangey says:


      Exactly. He has been Rope-a-Dope’d into many progressive causes. How he surged forward to become the GOP candidate in 2008 is more than odd in my opinion. Note that every candidate we had to choose from late in the game – Hillary, Barry, and John – were all warmers.

      And who ran against GW in 2004? None other than Kerry and Lieberman, architects of previous warming legislation.

      I’m very leery of RINOs coming out the woodwork to run in 2012, and in particular, those who embrace the church of Gaia. John Huntsman (currently an ambassador to China for the O’sputternik administration) is one example.

      But new blood from Nov 2010 and sites like this one have really educated the Right, and leadership has managed to turn Graham and McCain back into the fold in recent votes.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    No problem this year, at least. I don’t think a rino is electible in Republican primaries, but you never know.

  3. Don B says:

    An Oregon State University study in 2006 predicted trouble for the Pacific Northwest ski areas.

    Central Oregon’s Mt. Bachelor already has 500″ of snowfall this season, compared to the normal 387″.

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