Dec. 20, 2007, quote from then-Sen. Barack Obama arguing, “the president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”
By comparison, the George W. Bush administration, which Mr. Obama was criticizing in 2007, had an even stronger Security Council resolution authorizing action against Iraq, and the Bushies took the time to get congressional buy-in as well.
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Obama said he had an easier job being the President of China.
What more encouragement do you need to kick this hack out of office.
Yeah that idiot Obama,
if he was smart like Bush he would have invented some idiotic crazy lie about why Libya was threat to national security.
If Bush could get away with balsa wood rubber band driven planes dropping chemical or biological weapon on the free world, Obama could easily have come up with something slightly less ridiculous.
Even then Bush did not get Security council approval, in spite of threatening and bribing member nations.
Libya has been a threat to our country for 40+ years of the current regime because they fund terrorist organizations and declared war against the US that long ago. Iraq, Iran, And many other Arab nations either provide arms or have training amps for people that want to overthrow democracy.
Until those nations provide evidence they condemn terrorist activity we should restrict travel to and from those nations just like we restricted travel and commerce with Cuba.