Obama Asks The NRA To Voluntarily Erode The Second Amendment


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Obama Asks The NRA To Voluntarily Erode The Second Amendment

  1. Al Gored says:

    “But Obama has no plans to take the lead on… [insert anything]”

    His bosses want a talker, not a leader.

  2. AndyW says:

    Rather than erode it how about rewriting it? The grammar is very poor and it seems to be saying more than one thing, or is it?


    • Blade says:

      How about NO.

      The founders wrote the The Federalist (papers) for disambiguation. You make think of it as The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Constitution or The Constitution for Dummies if you prefer.

      Try reading it rather than suggesting such nonsense.

  3. Blade says:

    “… the administration is calling together both the gun lobby and gun safety banning groups to find common ground.”

    Yeah dumbo, shred the constitution by any means necessary.

    In other news, the administration is calling together both the parents of small children and the child molestors association to find common ground.

    Or, the administration is calling together both those who want to spend $0 dollars on AGW and those who want to spend $100 Trillion dollars to find common ground.

    Or, the administration is calling together both free-persons with private property and socialists who want to take it to find common ground.

    Or, the administration is calling together both constitutionalists and un-constitutionalists to find common ground.

    Compromise is such a wonderful concept … to a socialist criminal.

    • Mike Davis says:

      They are calling together the potential suicide bombers and their targeted victims to determine an agreed upon goal of number of causalities.

    • Momma says:

      “Compromise is such a wonderful concept … to a socialist criminal.”

      That’s because compromise means you get to define the most lunatic of scenarios, and expect sane people to meet you half way.

  4. Justa Joe says:

    Does anyone remember when B. Hussein was campaigning and his campaign ads featured phoney baloney NRA guys claiming that B. Hussein wasn’t going to attack 2nd amendment rights? There’s one born every minute.

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