Obama Giving Support To Al Qaeda Fighters


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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25 Responses to Obama Giving Support To Al Qaeda Fighters

  1. The brilliance of our President is staggering.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    The lesson from Iran is that you might get rid of a prick, but end up with a far worse prick. That is a cause for concern with this whole Libya fiasco. The prick known is often better than the prick unknown, especially in that part of the world.

  3. more results of President Obama’s war in Libya:

    al-Qaeda steals missles:

    Idriss Deby Itno did not say how many surface-to-air missiles were stolen, but told the African weekly Jeune Afrique that he was “100 per cent sure” of his assertion.

    “The Islamists of al-Qaeda took advantage of the pillaging of arsenals in the rebel zone to acquire arms, including surface-to-air missiles, which were then smuggled into their sanctuaries in Tenere,”


  4. Latitude says:

    I shocked…….

    ….shocked, I tell you

    • Tourist in Chief says:

      I freaking love Michelle. Sarah too. A Palin/Bachman ticket would be very powerful. But the HATRED directed at Sarah colors everything in its path. I think Sarah is hated in part for her positions on energy. (Soros) She has taken all the heat for the last 2 years. I don’t know if she’ll even run. If Michelle is truly “in” and against Romney, there is no question that Michelle is my pick. Whatever we do, we cannot allow the left to pick our candidate.

  5. Al Gored says:

    Wonder if the military-industrial complex can employ bin Laden again? That worked out well. He’s generated zillions of dollars worth of business for them and the whole police state industry.

    Gee, I can hardly wait for Barry’s speech on Libya on Monday. Maybe Biden should deliver it instead for a change.

  6. Edward says:

    Maybe, better the devil yer do know…………. .

    Never was a west/NATO major concern, harsh but true.

    And now this, and it is a bitter jaundiced irony.

  7. Sundance says:

    Muslim outreach is a key initiative for President Obama. Get the “Mission Accomplished” sign cleaned up as he can recycle it during his victory in Lybia speech.

  8. MikeTheDenier says:

    Ironically-Named ‘Smart Meters’ Prove to Be a Dumb Idea


  9. Tourist in Chief says:

    Beck has a series on this Libya issue also. This post confirms what Beck was saying:

    Here’s the first, there are 3 parts from 3/24/2011 (are we on the wrong side)


  10. Tourist in Chief says:

    History will tell, but it looks to me as tho Obama is a construct of forces who hate America. A Poison Pill. A Usurper, A Destroyer. I don’t know if we’ll survive until 2012. And if we successfully eject his sorry a*$ from the White House, I think terrible things will follow. (Again, Soros, et al. )

    BTW, put Mr Al-hasidi in the BUTT UGLY file with Pachauri and Qadaffi.

    • Tony Duncan says:


      All you have to do is change Obama to Bush and 2012 to 2008, and you are saying the exact same thing the loony left was saying (some even convinced Soros was part of the evil behind it all as well!). I laughed at it then, and it is even funnier now.

      • Tourist in Chief says:


        I don’t reject your argument outright. The conquest of Iraq now places it at risk if the US walks away and Iran sweeps in. Some (Alex Jones) suggest a (Luminati) conspiracy beyond parties, with the Bush’s and Clinton’s together in a relatively high tier.

        But I don’t see the characterization of GW as the destroyer of America. Because he alienated the EU/Middle East? Because he made enemies out of some who previously didn’t have an opinion? There is some of that, but it is not as cataclysmic as what faces us now.

        Bush took the fight overseas. Obama may bring the fight here, on our streets. Not necessarily with foreign nationals, but with social unrest born of scarcity and financial calamity.

        I see Obama as parcel of a Left vision of Global Government. (and I think they want this in part to overpower the GOP, but also because they believe no amount of government is bad.) But they are horribly mistaken. It is bad beyond measure.

        The standard against which all should measure is the consolidation of power. If this occurs among Corporations, it is bad. But corporations are countermeasured by Government.

        True tyranny occurs when Government or Government/Corporate Interests consolidate power. Then the many are governed by the few, or the one.

        It is said that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and perhaps this is true. Thru-out history, some will always seek to consolidate power.

        Preservation of individual determination requires that the many rise against those who would seek to create a dynasty or dictatorship.

        Looking at it this way, the actions of the GOP (who will stand for individual liberty) is the antithesis of the perception they stand only for the rich, and against the poor.

        The GOP is a mess, and have strayed into the co-opting schemes of the left. But they are the only hope remaining for America. We must first support them, then flog them accordingly, to restore liberty and prosperity to this great nation.


  11. R. de Haan says:

    From a European point of view: Nigel Farrage: ‘bombings and bailouts what on earth are we doing?’

    • Latitude says:


      Saddam used them to down an English fighter jet.
      In the +year it took us to finally get UN approval to make him obey the UN laws, he sold them to Gaddafi.

      Does anyone ever ask the question “how was it that Saddam used WMD’s and yet didn’t have any”

      • suyts says:

        Its only the ones that don’t wish to see it. Everybody else with a brain knows he disposed of them months before the U.S. set foot in Iraq.

  12. bubbagyro says:

    Obama can almost say “mission accomplished”.

    He will have cleverly (and intentionally) removed all of the stops from jihadist takeover in the Middle East. Next, Europe, then disruption in the Americas.

    As for terrorism? We ain’t seen nothin’ yet. And there is little now we can do about it, with the media comprised of ex-hippie loonies.

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