Ocean Temperatures Around Greenland In Freefall


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Ocean Temperatures Around Greenland In Freefall

  1. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Summer is approaching, it’s time for coldness to take hold

  2. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:
  3. Latitude says:

    The bigger problem is going to be down south…

    ….it’s high summer and those temps have not come up at all

  4. Lance says:

    It’s caused by all the ice melting off of Greenland in its hotcold winter.

  5. slimething says:

    Per Joe D’Aleo linking to Real Science:

    “Icecap Note: alarmists like to make the claim that though the extent of the antarctic ice is increasing, the thickness may be decreasing. Here they are ignoring the increased thickness and focusing on the diminished extent. Despite the thickening, I believe it is possible we will make a run at the 2007 minimum this late summer or in 2012 given the warmth of the Atlantic last year. There is a few year delay for the warm water to reach under the ice to the Siberian coast from the North Atlantic. Recall the last Atlantic warm peak was in 2004-05 and the ice minimum in 2007. The Atlantic cooled some and the ice recovered after 2005. The record blocking led to another pop in North Atlantic temperatures last year which will likely thin the ice the next two years. This is similar to what happened the last Atlantic warm mode 70 years ago, and 70 years before that when cod fish were said to have been caught off the Russian arctic coast.”

    I don’t know. Unless it is caused by “unusual” winds and currents similar to 2007, I don’t see a repeat or exceeded ice extent loss in 2011. There doesn’t appear to be any ramp up in SST and OHC in the Arctic resulting from the drop in SST in the North Atlantic. Where did the heat go? Of particular interest is the sub-tropical region in the Atlantic (0-20 north of the equator). It would seem that is what feeds the North Atlantic, and further north, the Arctic. IIRC OHC dropped by a large amount there (sub-tropical NA).

    We shall see.

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