Past The Tipping Point : Last Rites For The Arctic

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Past The Tipping Point : Last Rites For The Arctic

  1. bubbagyro says:

    I am thinking of producing refrigerated fur coats to cover the options. What thinkest thee?

  2. Anything is possible says:

    Falsifying alarmist claptrap is as simple as “ABC”

    Step A : Compare the latest image of the Arctic Ice with a previous year on the same date. Let’s say 2006……..

    Step B : Check the September minimum for 2006 (5.78 thousand square kms on September 14th. according to IJIS).

    Step C : Conclude that Craig Dillon’s article is highly-speculative, hysterical (in more than one sense of the word) BS.

  3. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:
  4. Lance says:

    Well, I for one, plan on heading down to Cuba for a week this coming Tuesday. I don’t know how I will manage the 30-40 C change in temperature, but I think a few beers and kick back on the beach, let off some methane gas once in a while and enjoy the surf…how will I ever manage…..

  5. suyts says:

    Yep, I’ve a suggestion. We should all run around screaming “the sky is falling!”

    Now, doesn’t that feel better?

  6. Layne Blanchard says:

    I’m just glad the death spiral is finally here. This will create a whole new market for tropical island cruise ships. Passengers can throw twinkies to the polar bears treading water.

  7. AndyW says:

    The Arctic ice is preparing itself is it? Makes it sound like a thinking entity ! 🙂

    He is right that there will be a large reduction in sea ice area this summer. But that happens every year. Nobody knows what is going to happen this summer.


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