Porn Author Wants Us To Live In Harmony With Nature

UN IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri justifies this absurd situation by sermonizing, “Unless we live in harmony with nature, unless we are able to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and adopt renewable energy sources, and until we change our lifestyles, the world will increasingly become unfit for human habitation.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Porn Author Wants Us To Live In Harmony With Nature

  1. Mike Davis says:

    I am waiting for him to lead by example!

  2. Sundance says:

    I’ll be the first to admit I would love to see Pauchuri try to seek harmony with the tsunami nature created wth a 9.0 earthquake. I’m sure those Japanese enjoyed the harmony of being one with nature.

    Maybe Pauchuri could demonstarte how long he can be in harmony with nature by going into the wild, without anything made from man made energy.

  3. suyts says:

    Mankind is part of nature.

  4. Mike Davis says:

    Harmony in Nature is a Myth! Nature is about struggle for survival!

  5. Jimbo says:

    As for harmony with nature he should tell that to the stone age hunters who wiped out numerous large animals in the USA and Eurasia. At least today we largely leave them alone and use farming instead. By the way the Northern Hemisphere forests have seen expanding.

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