Puffington Host : Congress Must Stop Trees From Falling


The mountains of Colorado and Wyoming are buried in unusually deep snow. Trees die – every single one of them dies eventually. Where do they come up with this crap?


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Puffington Host : Congress Must Stop Trees From Falling

  1. Gerald says:

    Don’t infect my computer with huffpo

    • suyts says:

      I don’t want to, but I’m going to see exactly what they want congress to do about it……….. if I don’t come back, you’ll know my brain exploded from contemplating too much inanity.

  2. suyts says:

    Oh, my……. that one hurt. It was even dumber than I thought. Sometimes it is beyond my ability to fathom the amount of stupidity that comes from these people.
    “Dead trees threaten roads, trails and power lines and contribute to the spread of wildfires onto private property.”

    “The most effective way to deal with this problem is to remove dead trees from high-risk areas and diversify forests.”

    “Warmer summers and milder winters thwart nature’s ability to contain the beetles.”
    An open letter-ette to Lily Durfee Science Policy Masters student, Georgetown University

    Forest fires are a necessary event for a healthy eco-system. Please go back to you elementary school teacher and slap her/him for their malfeasance towards your education.

    Lily, look up at Steve’s map. Now, try to understand the expanse and amount of trees the removal of you’re advocating. Try to understand what would be necessary to remove these trees. WE’D KILL HUNDREDS JUST GETTING TO THEM!!!! (You freaking moron!) Then try to understand that decaying trees do more than simply act as kindling for fires. Nature uses these things for many purposes. Now, pretend you’re a grown-up and have to pay taxes. How large of a workforce would we have to hire to do such a task? What kind of equipment would we have to purchase to facilitate such an undertaking? There is much more detail to go into, but I’m afraid I’ve already given your little underdeveloped mind too much to deal with.

    At the risk of your minuscule gray matter turning gelatinous, I’ve one more bit of advice, check in on reality from time to time! Put down that stuff you’re smoking and take a look around. Did you go on vacation the entire winter? WTF do you think that white stuff was that was laying all over the ground for weeks on end? No! That isn’t stuff to snort!!! But in your case, I don’t see any possible harm that could come from it.

    “Science Policy Masters student” I see a great future for you in a government position someday soon. God help us all.

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