Romm Forecasts 300 mm Sea Level Rise By 2050


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Romm Forecasts 300 mm Sea Level Rise By 2050

  1. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Can we get a refund of the tax dollars spent if it’s not true?

  2. Opps, Baghdad Romm forgot to mention it’s partly a comparison to climate models. And as anyone who’s taken the time to look into things knows climate models are found wanting when compared to the real world. You can make a computer model say anything you’d like it to say. You can make it show ice loss happening slower than in the real world. And then when compared to the real world the real world would show alarming ice loss.

    As far as comparing ice loss to other places, there are factors like plate tectonics, land use, and natural cycles that cause ice in different location on earth to be lost or gained at different paces.

    So what “bombshell” is there to see here Baghdad?

    But don’t let stop you from exaggerating, Baghdad Romm. Go ahead and do more damage to your reputation.

  3. OT

    Japan quake, video of tsunami going inland, carrying autos

    • Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

      Nuclear power plant state of emergency now, that’s why you don’t put nuclear power on fault lines!!!

  4. the video is unbelievable. WUWT is relaying the news that a whole city in Japan is smashed.

  5. MikeTheDenier says:

    21-2-11 — Piers Corbyn: Expect more earthquakes world-wide for next two years

  6. Robert of Ottawa says:

    Shuldn’t the Jet Propulsion Laboratory be working on things like, you know, propulsion?

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