2010 Romm : Human Civilization On The Precipice


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 2010 Romm : Human Civilization On The Precipice

  1. Ivan says:

    In a way, he is right, but for the wrong reason.
    The fact that someone like Romm can rant in this hysterical fashion – and receive airtime – indeed proves that “Human Civilization [is] On The Precipice.”
    It also proves that this is probably the best outcome.

  2. Russell C says:

    I had missed Romm’s blog at the time, but the editor of American Thinker alerted me to it in early January, after receiving a tip from a concerned reader. The editor asked me to write a piece about it: “Leftist media in full court press backing warmism” http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/01/leftist_media_in_full_court_pr.html

    Since the details in my piece there and so much of my other article/blog research comes from in-depth Google searches, I linked back to that piece in my latest one: “Google to fight global warming ‘ignorance’ ” http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/03/google_to_fight_global_warming.html

  3. NoMoreGore says:

    There HAS been a huge surge of CAGW propaganda the last year. I’m sure it’s paid for with “Stimulus” dollars. Our own money being used in a brainwashing campagne.

    But then, warmcold seems to be turning up everywhere…


  4. Blade says:

    Steve, I think that Romm (or Soros 😉 owes you some money.

    If it weren’t for you, no-one would ever read the rantings of this dimwit!

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