Romm : Renewable Energy Never Runs Out – Until The Wind Stops Blowing, Or It Gets Cloudy, Or The Sun Sets, Or Autumn Arrives, Or It Gets Too Cold ….

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Romm : Renewable Energy Never Runs Out – Until The Wind Stops Blowing, Or It Gets Cloudy, Or The Sun Sets, Or Autumn Arrives, Or It Gets Too Cold ….

  1. Jimbo says:

    “…clean renewable energy that never runs out”

    Just tell that to the Scottish who were forced to buy nuclear energy from France this winter when windpower failed them due to lack of wind.

    ‘Green’ Scotland relying on French nuclear power
    Published Date: 27 December 2010
    By Jane Bradley
    Environment correspondent
    SCOTLAND’S wind farms are unable to cope with the freezing weather conditions – grinding to a halt at a time when electricity demand is at a peak, forcing the country to rely on power generated by French nuclear plants.
    Output from major wind farms fell to as low as 2.5 per cent of their potential generation capacity during the cold snap as power demand rose to close to the highest level yet recorded, new figures have revealed.

    We will see more of these kinds of stories as the years go by and governments make stupid decisions.

  2. Ivan says:

    “…clean renewable energy that never runs out”

    Like this, you mean?
    Wind energy supply dips during cold snap
    Britain’s wind farms have stopped working during the cold snap due to lack of wind, it has emerged, as scientists claimed half the world’s energy could soon be from renewables. ”
    ~9 Jan 2009

    Would “stopped working” be anything like “running out”?

  3. gofer says:

    “..ongoing meltdown….” What ongoing meltdown….what meltdown? It was the exposed SPENT fuel rod ponds that were the problem. They were still on site, in part, because of all the greenie objections concerning storage.

    The nuclear “meltdown” is old news now…it’s now the Libya War. The meltdown has been cancelled for a more sensational story.

  4. Ivan says:

    There is a good discussion here of just how FUBAR this whole wind power strategy is:
    “When the wind stops – the other side of the wind turbine argument”

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    Just what we need, no power during the coldest weather.

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