Ross Believes That Carbon Taxes Are Real : ” there is no genuinely scientific dissent”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Ross Believes That Carbon Taxes Are Real : ” there is no genuinely scientific dissent”

  1. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Tim Flannery his best mate said that the temperature won’t cool for 1000 years even if we act

    I guess if we wait 1000 years eventually an Ice Age will happen!!!

  2. bubbagyro says:

    Another puppet. Where do they all come from, is there no one in the Obama administration with just a trace of scruples? The lure of pelf and power is universal.

  3. Ivan says:

    Why I think climate change is real.
    Did I read that right?
    He’s moved down from believe to think?
    We’re going to wreck the economy based on what an economist imbecile thinks??

  4. Beano says:

    Garnaut is no puppet. He’s is the Australian Governments chief adviser on the climate change agenda. His portfolio is actually economics and has no earth or physics oriented qualifications. Besides the fact that he is an activist zealot.

  5. suyts says:

    Yes, all 77 of them agree.

  6. maybel says:

    Just because someone is an acclaimed politician, economist or financier doesn’t mean his or her view on climate change is what we should all believe. In fact quite the contrary we should be very weary when they are the ones giving such talk as its usually based on ulterior motive than on a real science.

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