Scientific American : Climate Change Bleak, Dire And Worse Than Expected

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Scientific American : Climate Change Bleak, Dire And Worse Than Expected

  1. Here’s some real science that isn’t bleak and dire, but is better than we thought:

    Study: Staring at breasts increases heart health

    “Authors of the study recommend that men stare at breasts for ten minutes a day.”

    important video of this vital study

  2. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Wonder how the blooming is going this year in the snow LOL

  3. Squidly says:

    Amino Acids in Meteorites says:
    March 6, 2011 at 3:39 am

    I’m skeptical, I believe this needs MUCH more research. I would be willing to volunteer my participation so as to get to the bottom of this!

  4. Dave N says:

    Strange that they didn’t mention early blooms in Paris in the 1930’s (and probably at many other times). I wonder why that is?

    In any event, early blooms in 2007 or at any other time doesn’t mean humans are causing it, either.

  5. Scott says:

    Yes, because an average of a few tenths of a degree cause flowers to bloom so early everywhere.

    Weather vs climate, over and over and over and over and over again!


  6. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    During the Minoan warming when temperature were a few degrees warmer did the flowers bloom all year round?

  7. Charles Higley says:

    So, in 1971 we had two weeks in January of 70 deg F weather and the cherry trees went into full bloom, as did the daffodils. Then winter came back.

    I learned that cherry trees have secondary buds. When Spring came, the cherry trees bloomed all over again. Nature is so cool. It’s been there before and taken care of the variations that can and do occur.

    If this kind of weather had not happened many times before, these plants would not have developed these survival strategies. That’s evolution in action, adapting to the environment.

  8. Charles Higley says:

    I forgot to mention that flowers also bloom earlier in the Spring with higher CO2. There does not have to be earlier warm weather.

    The accounts of blooming in England two weeks early, before the winters went Postal, can be accounted for by the CO2, which is good because there is no record of there being any warming.

  9. wayne says:

    Dated 2008. Three years sure go be fast!

  10. Andy Weiss says:

    When the blossoms don’t bloom, it’s due to warmcold, which again is caused by Republicans. So whether they bloom or don’t bloom, it’s all their fault!

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