Sea Level Rise Only Targets Poor People

Sea level is fixed in rich communities, but is rising like crazy where poor people live.

h/t to Scarlet Pumpernickel

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Sea Level Rise Only Targets Poor People

  1. Ivan says:

    Ditto for Australia’s Climate Change Minister (Greg Combet) and former Prime Minister (Kevin Rudd) – of “the greatest moral challenge of our time” fame:

  2. Dave G says:

    Wonder if Al G is worried about his beachfront home in CA

  3. Latitude says:

    This is ridiculous……..

    Most of the houses on our island are less than 2ft above MHT (mean high tide)…
    …and not a one of us are worried at all.

    I do get pissed at these people that say you shouldn’t build on the coast or close to the sea…

    …well duh, exactly where would you put a marina and fishing business?

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