Statue Of Liberty To Drown – Polar Bears To Take Over New York

I thought it was supposed to be apes.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Statue Of Liberty To Drown – Polar Bears To Take Over New York

  1. Ralph says:

    Maybe it’s something in the water, or in the spring pollen that are causing people to go wacko about the seas rising. Living in central Florida, if I see the waves of the Gulf of Mexico lapping close to my house’s back door I’ll start worrying, or go fishing.

  2. Luke of the D says:

    You know, I think at lot of this perception of fools like these people spawns from a desire to “fight” something. I myself sometimes feel this… what the point if there is no enemy to fight? I realize that is a bit strange but I think it does help these people… they deem climate change a bad thing (even though climate IS change) and humans are obviously the cause, thus lets fight the good fight! It makes sense. But sad part is its like saying I’m now going to believe in Aliens and that that is the fight worth fighting because there are lots of hoky sightings and Hollywood movies that say Aliens are here… thus I’ve been proven right. I look out my window and look, there are Aliens! On the newspapers! On the TV! In conversations! Everywhere! AHHH! PANIC!

    • Ralph says:

      “You know, I think at lot of this perception of fools like these people spawns from a desire to “fight” something.”

      I lift weights. It works for me.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    It would be funny, except that people are actually buying into this nonsense.

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