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- william on Ice Free Glacier National Park
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Surgeon General Warning! These Beans May Cause Increases In Atmsopheric Methane
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Can they think up anything more useless?
Very soon, food packaging will be so crammed with useless labeling, that it will be impossible to discover what’s inside without spending ten minutes reading the labels. Shopping will take ten times as long, as those poor fear-ridden shoppers pause to read everything that’s printed on the outside of packaging, to make sure that they won’t die from excess of :
E numbers
Nasty chemicals
Meanwhile, the shops will ALL have to open for 24 hours to adapt to the increased shopping time, and use far more electricity to keep the lights on longer. The car parks will all have to be enlarged to cater for the increased traffic, which will be present for longer periods.
A more fun approach would be to not print ANYTHING on the packaging at all, and have a multitude of surprises when you get home. That would be just as sensible…
What about calories and fat? The First Lady says we are fighting a war against obesity, you know!!
Carbon free food anyone? Great diet food!
Shya, Goldman-Saachs is helping small business. The only thing they are doing is loaning them money, and grabbing the fees from the loan. Then they sell the loan to the government (i.e. taxpayers) through a loan purchasing thing called bail-out money.