Suzuki Terrified By Skepticism

The scriptures of the IPCC must not be questioned

We’re in a period that is really terrifying because a great number of the global warming skeptics are basically undermining the science. They’re saying, “These scientists have their own agenda, “climategate,” all this other stuff. You can’t trust science.” If we’re at a point where we can’t even trust science, we’re in deep trouble because then you say the Koran says this, the Bible says this, …….

h/t to Marc Morano



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Suzuki Terrified By Skepticism

  1. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:
    • Les Johnson says:

      Yeah, I like that site, Scarlet.

      Especially the one “story” on the 10th anniversary of Bali, with Gore as World Earth Czar, and owner of Google Green…

      the one about polar bears suffering heat stroke before fully devouring a homeless Alaskan is also funny, in a gruesome way.

  2. suyts says:

    Sigh, more of the same blathering. Its called misotheism. And hating the people that worship a god by extension. I know of very few examples of people quoting the Bible or the Koran in reference to the climate debate, or any other scientific debate. It is simply an oft repeated fallacy argument. That he’s wetting his pants, yes, that’s believable. That people are quoting from holy books to refute climatology isn’t.

  3. Owen says:

    If anyone has destroyed the credibility of science, especially climate science it is David Suzuki. His constant fear mongering, misinformation, and whining has turned people off. I don’t believe anything the man says. His credibility is about as good as Al ‘I invented the internet’ Gore. He’s an embarassment to Canada.

    • suyts says:

      We all have our crosses to bear, I’m just glad it isn’t strictly U.S. imbeciles that blather all of these falsehoods.

  4. Sean says:

    Climate science is dead in the water and headed for the rocks until it subjects itself to full debate. The only way to keep it afloat is for it to build up a head of steam and run it through the gauntlett of question by sceptics. Ironically, the IPCC reports have been referred to by its supports as the bible of climate science. That is oxy-moronic and unfortunately true.

  5. Les Johnson says:

    Suzuki made these 6 elemental scientific errors, in two short paragraphs. This is from an interview he gave to a BC paper. This man is NOT a scientist. I find it hard to believe he is a high school graduate, let alone university.

    It has been known since the last century that carbon-bearing compounds are transparent to sunlight but opaque to infra-red. In other words, sunlight passes through carbon-containing air whereas infra-red heat rays tend to be reflected by the carbon.

    We are familiar with this effect in a car that has sat in the sun. The interior becomes hot because the carbon in the glass keeps the heat in.

    1. Carbon in glass? Maybe in the front windshield, sandwiched between 2 sheets of glass. As glass is mostly opaque to infrared (IR), its moot.

    2. Carbon compounds may or may not trap heat. Polyethylene, for example, is transparent to IR.

    3. Heat in the car is from modifying convection, not radiation. Decreased convection = increased radiation. Polyethylene vs glass in greenhouses shows no difference in heat retention, in spite of the different IR properties of the two barriers. The heat retention is from preventing convection.

    4. Glass is mostly opaque to IR, not the supposed carbon in it. Suzuki assumes it’s not opaque, by needing the “carbon” in it to stop IR.

    5. Carbon molecules may, or may not, allow visible light through. Again, it depends on the molecule.

    6. Suzuki says carbon bearing compounds REFLECT IR. Some compounds allow IR through. The ones that don’t, ABSORB IR photons, then re-emit photons. They don’t reflect.

  6. Blade says:

    Some things easily tick me off. This is one of them:

    “We’re in a period that is really terrifying because a great number of the global warming skeptics are basically undermining the science.”

    This deserves an Open Letter to David Suzuki: Yeah right, skeptics are doing that. Well I’m sorry to break this to you David but the cabal that you endorse has damaged Science dramatically and probably for a very long time. By pressing institutions to swamp the students, media, and the public with relentless AGW propaganda you have achieved a complete role reversal to the past when consensus was church dogma, in this way you have helped to turn science into a laughingstock.

    No-one would ever believe that a day would come that politicians, academics and pop-scientists would unite to promote the proverbial chicken little strategy of weather as a boogeyman. You might have gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for those pesky kids skeptics deniers common sense folk who know bullsh!t when they see it. Silly rabbit, thinking you could get away with measuring temps forward from two very cold periods (LIA, 1970’s) and then yell: “Look, it’s getting warmer! Give us your money so we can study mitigate waste it.”

    Of course you were dealt several body blows when mother nature refused to comply and sent a string of cooler years and epic winters (this also shows that you and your cabal are actually phony scientists by completely failing to anticipate a 30-year turn-around). And then economics also turned against you when 70 years of progressive socialist welfare instituted by your fellow travelers finally succeeded in bankrupting the taxpayers. Even if you had discovered something (which you have not) there is no more money left to do anything about it anyway, you spent it all. And of course there was that little earthquake called ClimateGate.

    As you enjoy your waning years David Suzuki living off the largess of your fellow human beings, and you prepare to exit our horrible warming planet for the great beyond, remember that no-one recalls the names of the consensus group-thinkers, no, they remember the courageous pioneers that thought outside the box AGAINST the onslaught of AGW dogma. There is no courage or honor amongst the ‘hockey team’ and its relatives.

    So sorry to say that we won’t be remembering you after all, David. We’re going to be way too busy cleaning up the mess you have made of science and logic and common sense. Yep, our work is cut out for us because we still have much to do but we will succeed, I only hope you are around long enough to see that last nail pounded in the coffin of your AGW religious cult.

  7. ES says:

    Fruit Fly is sending his lawyer after skeptics.

    Big Green Foundation Bankrolls Lawsuits Against Climate Skeptics

  8. mikegeo says:

    This is a link to an investigative journalist in Vancouver who has a particular concern that tax-free foundations or charities are funneling monies to specific economic or political issues that they try to hide. She has been particularly concerned that large US foundations (Moore, Pew, Tides etc) are giving money to Suzuki to get him to campaign against oil interests, fish farms and any other “greenie” issue that strikes their fancy. It appears from the website, that Suzuki has also produced “research” that these funding groups like.
    The website is worth a review just for these green/political disinformation agendas.

  9. Russell C says:

    Notice how Suzuki’s interviewer has to frame one of the questions around tobacco and second hand smoke. Suzuki responds with a narrative about Naomi Oreskes, and the overall objective is to essentially smear one prominent skeptic, Fred Singer. Bizarre thing is, despite all the efforts of the anti-skeptic web site DeSmogBlog ( ) to bolster the second hand smoke accusation, it appears they never read one of their bits of “evidence” they link to (now behind a subscription sign-up wall, but still seen here: ), namely a draft of a paper in which Singer clearly states, “The health risk from smoking is not the focus of this paper. Instead, this paper explores the EPA’s analysis of ETS or second hand smoke….In brief, EPA makes certain assumptions about ETS which are then used to buttress EPA’s scientific and economic conclusions. Moreover, the science as presented is insufficient…. In the process, it has engaged in both scientific overreach and regulatory overreach…. Despite the EPA’s conclusion that ETS is a Group A carcinogen, it is at the very least arguable that ETS would flunk each separate step of the three-prong test.

    The irony is in the similarity between the two issues, and how AGW believers continue to attempt to use the tobacco situation as a smear. Nobody said smoking was not harmful, and nobody says global warming isn’t happening. The problem lies in how each was analyzed on a scientific basis, and how overreaching politically-based actions have proceeded despite science assessments which indicate such actions are not supportable. I doubt AGW believers want that to be revealed, it would be incredibly embarrassing…..

    • suyts says:

      Indeed, Singer’s science has never been scientifically refuted regarding SHS, simply mischaracterized. This has become part and parcel of the alarmists. Exactly in this manner, is Suzuki, mischaracterizing the sources used to refute the alarmism.

      More of Suzuki’s quote, “…..then you say the Koran says this, the Bible says this, Rush Limbaugh says this, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter.”

      Does anyone know of any quote of the Koran, the Bible, Rush, Beck, or Coulter used in an argument against CAGW? I don’t.

  10. Red Jeff says:

    From the David Suzuki Foundation Annual Report 08-09…
    From the “Leadership Circle” donators @ $1,000,000+ … Power Corporation of Canada and Stephen R. Bronfman Foundation.

    Board of directors:
    Dr. David Suzuki co-Founder , David Suzuki Foundation
    Dr. Tara Cullis President and co-founder , David Suzuki Foundation
    James Hoggan Chair, David Suzuki Foundation President , Hoggan & Associates, Host of Desmogblog.
    Stephen R. Bronfman Chair, Claridge SRB In vestments Inc. President , Stephen Bronfman Foundation
    Severn Cullis-Suzuki Ethnoecologist (Whatever the hell that is)
    And others……..

    Honorary Board Members (amongst others):
    Dr. Paul Ehrlich
    Gordon Lightfoot
    Maurice Strong
    Dr. E. O. Wilson

    Such incestuous nepotism MUST break SOME vice law here in Canada!

    All the best…. Jeff

  11. Luke of the D says:

    Does the rant go on or did you delete the “… or the holy bible of the Goracle.” or maybe “… the blessed book of the warmista.” Or any some such statement?

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