Tech Talk Publishes Finds A Photo Of The Most Potent Greenhouse Gas

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Tech Talk Publishes Finds A Photo Of The Most Potent Greenhouse Gas

  1. Mike Davis says:

    Take away the buildings and that is what my valley looked like the last couple of mornings!
    The most potent Green House Gas likes to hang around my neck of the woods in many forms!

  2. “Greenhouse gases are pollution.”

    ~Lisa Jackson,

    EPA head

    • Mike Davis says:

      Over 95% of the Greenhouse Gasses are H2O in its many forms! As long as it is floating in the atmosphere it contributes to the So Called Green House Effect!

    • suyts says:

      Screw CO2, we should ban dihydrogen monoxide! That stuff is killing us! Just the other day a person killed themselves by it! Ban it and ban it now!!!!

      • Layne Blanchard says:

        Just a few days ago, a high school kid jumped off the Golden Gate into a big pool of it….. but he didn’t die.
        For his next trick, he will hug a polar bear.

  3. papertiger says:

    I’m skeptical of a Gallop poll targeting a Democrat shibboleth that comes up with the thinnest of majorities coincidentally leaning in the direction the party/media wants to go.

    Better check to see if Hansen was in charge of weighting the results.

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