The Early Spring In New England Continues

I’m just back from a week in New England, which is frozen solid and buried under feet of snow. They have another foot of snow on the way.

And winter temperatures in the forecast through at least the third week of March.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to The Early Spring In New England Continues

  1. Erik says:

    Mocking Our Dreams
    By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian 14th February 2005

    “It is now mid-February, and already I have sown eleven species of vegetable. I know, though the seed packets tell me otherwise, that they will flourish. Everything in this country – daffodils, primroses, almond trees, bumblebees, nesting birds – is a month ahead of schedule. And it feels wonderful. Winter is no longer the great grey longing of my childhood. The freezes this country suffered in 1982 and 1963 are – unless the Gulf Stream stops – unlikely to recur.”

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Most people in New England would welcome a warmer, earlier Spring. Most Springs are cold and raw in New England.

    It was 40 below this morning in parts of Saskatchewan. The groundhog was FOS this year.

  3. PJB says:

    I am located in the pale blue (6-12 in) zone NW of Montreal and we got hammered with about 18 in. I just finished shoveling off the roof….huff puff. Undoubtedly caused by Global (warming, cooling, climate change, climate disruption, take your pick).

    If people lived for 200 years, they would remember the climate cycles and be much less concerned.

  4. Warmer winters, colder winters, cold spring, warm spring—these global warmers need to set up a better communications network. Some didn’t get the memo yet about coldwarm.

    • Justa Joe says:

      This gal’s book was obviously already in the pipeline before they shifted gears into the cAGW produces weather, which is essentially indistinguishable from normal weather mode.

  5. Tony Duncan says:

    Well, yahoo weather certainly blew it in Southern Vt. We were supposed top get another 6 inches of snow with up to 18 farther north and it just rained and rained and the temps went above 40 every day for the last few days. Major flooding because of the thaw. The Connecticut river covered with broken ice, some sticking up 8 feet. and some pushed many yards onto the banksAll the snow on my roof is gone and there are bare patches on the ground for the first time since december. You know spring is happening because all the ice houses are off the west river, where it meets the Connecticut.
    A few days ago it wasn’t supposed to be above 28° and it hit 40°. It was about 40 when I left today and it is supposed to be in the 40 the rest of the week. Not much warmer in New York right now. And I was on the front page of the Reformer yesterday, so things are looking up.

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