The Meltdown Continues At Both Poles

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to The Meltdown Continues At Both Poles

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    The era of polar warmcold is over. Now just coldcold.

  2. Mike Davis says:

    I see the problem now! You think This “-” has some meaning. In a warming world it is only a place holder for when the need 3 digits to show the temperature. Under the current method of “Temperature Management” There are no negative numbers because it is well known that if the globe is warming nothing can reflect Negative.
    You think “-” means a number below Zero. Silly Boy, The IPCC receded that concept. It is now 71 degrees at Vostok and the sign is not important.
    Metorological agencies were using an “M” to represent Minus until the realized it could also represent “More” so now they use it for that!

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