“The Proof Is Everywhere”

It never used to rain and snow and stuff like that before man invented CO2. It is like WWIII dude. Build a bomb shelter to protect yourself. Nature has gone like totally haywire.

The proof is everywhere – outside my front door, in my neighborhood, on the news. After a decade of failure to address climate change at the national and international levels, our weather has gone haywire. In the Washington region alone, in barely a year, we’ve annihilated all records for snow accumulation, we’ve seen appalling power outages associated with year-round thunderstorms, and we’ve experienced the hottest summer in the 140 years we’ve been measuring. Winston Churchill’s oft-quoted warning on the eve of World War II now applies directly: “The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences.”

Those consequences explain the generator in my garage and why I’m reinforcing my basement windows to protect emergency supplies.

This may seem like a stunt, or a sign that this frustrated environmentalist has finally lost it. But I’m not crazy. Just wait. The mega-storms and social disruptions on the horizon will be the best proof of that.

It wasn’t the wildfires that blackened much of Russia last summer that led me to buy my portable generator, nor the unspeakable rains in Pakistan that inundated nearly a quarter of that country. It was the one-two punch of thunderstorms that blew through the D.C. area on July 25 and Aug. 12 of last year. The first storm, with wind gusts of 90 mph, knocked out power to 400,000 people and generated a wave of lightning that, by a freak tragedy, killed my friend Carl Henn at a community picnic in Rockville.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to “The Proof Is Everywhere”

  1. Anne says:

    Ohhhhh!!! Do tell us about Y2K again, would you please?!

  2. Nobama says:

    Wow. That story has everything except a car chase and a love interest. Kewl.

  3. Does this guy know about ClimateGate?

  4. Mike Davis says:

    He is probably wearing his “Tin Foil” Hat!

  5. Tokamak says:

    He sounds like my panicky old Aunt. Some people love to flap, inventing all kinds of imaginary woes but they’re generally not much good when a real crisis comes along.

  6. Andy Weiss says:

    The standard warmist propaganda spew written by a Washington Post cub reporter.

    I authored a book called “Washington Weather” that came out in 2002. We had chapeters on snowstorms, heatwaves, coldwaves, hurricanes, severe weather (thunderstorms and tornados) and floods.

    Throughout history, DC has had good examples of all of the above, some of which were surprisingly severe. The difference now is more people, more cars, more (and older) powerlines and a 24/7 news cycle. It’s not like there has never been bad weather around here before.

  7. Mike Davis says:

    We can blame the Weather Channel for all the Extreme weather events because before the Weather Channel it was just weather! Now a single drop is a possible flood and lack of a single drop is a potential drought. 5 MPH winds are Near Hurricane strength and Earthquakes are now weather events!

  8. Jeff K says:

    If I were living in the UK, soon coming to America, I would get a generator for when the frozen windmills shut down, here though, a supply of hardwood and kerosene do the trick.

  9. Jeff K says:

    Lesson: don’t wear tin foil hats in a lightening storm.

  10. suyts says:

    “we’ve seen appalling power outages associated with…”

    No, you dolt, it is associated with those insidious whirly-gigs you idiots demanded. Why don’t you check into your grid structure and understand why your lunatic solutions to an imaginary problem has created more problems.

    “by a freak tragedy, killed my friend Carl Henn at a community picnic in Rockville.”

    Great, this lunatic blames CO2 for the death of Mr. Henn.

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