The Runaway Greenhouse Effect

Climate geniuses tell us that Venus is hot because of too much CO2. They also tell us that too much CO2 causes extreme weather.

So why doesn’t Venus have any weather? The temperature on Venus is constant from day to night, from location to location – and there is very little wind.

Makes you wonder what the experts are growing in their greenhouse.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to The Runaway Greenhouse Effect

  1. P.J. says:

    Mars has the same % CO2 as Venus. That must be why Mars is cold and very windy.

  2. Dave N says:

    Of course when the Earth had CO2 levels way, way above that of 350ppm, there were no alarmists around to cause warming to runaway.

  3. Mike Davis says:

    Psychedelic Shrooms! and cooking Lysergic acid diethylamide:

    • Mike Davis says:

      That is how you to can get the “Runaway Green House effect” MAN!
      Drop a tab and you can find anything you want to find! GROOOOOVY!

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