The Second Worst US President


“hissing menacingly, its teeth flashing and nostrils flared and making straight for the president”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to The Second Worst US President

  1. suyts says:

    lol, yep! I remember the killer rabbit that Jimmy was forced to defend himself against. Freaking a-hole. Its a rabbit!

  2. omnologos says:

    Nixon, remember Nixon!! And I am not just talking Watergate, I am talking EPA, the War Against Drugs, leaving the gold standard, abandoning Cambodia to Pol Pot, a large expansion of the federal government, etc etc

    • Remember Reagan? Amnesty for 5 million illegal immigrants.

      These funny Republicans that keep saying “What would Reagan do?” when they talk about the illegal immigration problem in America today. He’d give all 20 million of them amnesty, that’ what he’d do. He wouldn’t send them back, like so many Republicans want. He wouldn’t arrest them. He wouldn’t arrest the people that hire them.

      What’s more, his ‘Reaganomincs’ would tell people that debt is a way to a better life. That has worked just wonderfully in America, hasn’t it.

      These silly Republicans need to quit all this worship of a guy that started some bad trends in America.

      Oh, that’s right, because of him the Berlin Wall came down and Russia is a broken country. Right? They actually have more real power now than they did back then. When Putin hears that Bill Gates is the richest man on earth (or was) he brags he’s the richest man on earth because of all the oil money in Russia now.

      The Reagan myth!!!

  3. John Edmondson says:

    Here in the UK we are suffering the consequences of our worst ever Prime Minister (by some distance) Gordon Brown. Previous to being the Prime Minister he was the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Not suprisingly he was also the worst ever in that category.

    • Al Gored says:

      I thought it was particularly cute when Brown sold the UK’s gold reserves at the lowest possible price.

      • John Edmondson says:

        375 tons of it, at $250 an ounce. Not his worst mistake, probably not even in the top 5. Top of the list , the theft of £250 billion from all our pensions in 1997.

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    Cute little bunny rabbit!

  5. Tory says:

    They’ve all been horrible. Lincoln was the worst, followed by FDR and Wilson.

    William Henry Harrison was the best president, as he served just one month before croaking.

  6. Blade says:

    My 5 worst list, descending …


    Note that Barry only passed the half-way point on January 20.


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